Held in Dubai from 18 to 21 November session of the General Assembly of Interpol will decide on early elections of the President of this second scale representation of an international organization after the UN. The former President of Interpol, the representative of China Meng Hongwei, 29 October 2018 was arrested in China immediately upon arrival from France.

According to The Times, “definite favourites” on elections of the head of Interpol, which will be held November 21, 2018, is the representative of Russia, the General-the major of police Alexander Prokopchuk. Its competitors, the representative of South Korea Kim Jong Yang and an unnamed representative of South Africa, according to experts of the edition have less of a chance.

Novolipets in the geopolitical triangle “of the Kuril Islands-Crimea.”

Speaking at the General Assembly session of Interpol, interior Minister of Ukraine Arsen Avakov urged summit participants not to vote for Prokopchuk. “We all know Russia is abusing the capabilities of Interpol… the Election Prokopchuk is a hybrid threat to the world”, — said Avakov. Then the representative of Ukraine reminded the audience how, from 1938 to 1945, Interpol was headed by SS generals: first Reinhard Heydrich, then Arthur the Sky, and made this gallery of international criminals led international police Ernst Kaltenbrunner, who was President of Interpol until he was arrested by the Americans in 1945 and then brought before the Nuremberg Tribunal and was hanged. That is, this person almost three years combined Interpol and the Gestapo, and took charge of the concentration camps. This was too much even for people used to swallow everything the international community, and Interpol came almost all countries, resulting in international police ceased to exist until 1946.

Novolipets in the cage: again, it suffered

Alexander Prokopchuk in 2016, was elected Vice President of Interpol and began to actively lobby for the announcement of the persecuted Russian political opponents in the international search. While the Secretariat of Interpol were able to block the attempts of the Russian representative to use the international police to crack down on objectionable. The Secretariat of Interpol has denied Russia in the issuance of “red notices” — notices on the Interpol on the international wanted list – in the following people: William Browder, Michael Khodorkovsky, Leonid Nevzlin, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Igor Kolomoysky, Dmitry Yarosh, Gregory Rodchenkov. Each of this list can be considered a personal enemy of Putin, and none of them Russia did not provide convincing evidence of their “crimes”.

British and American parliamentarians have repeatedly proposed to exclude Russia from Interpol. Similar proposals were received in relation to China, Turkey, Iran, who also used Interpol to crack down on political opponents of their regimes. The BBC cites the opinion of the American researcher Dr. Theodor Bromand who is convinced that the exclusion of Russia at the General Assembly of Interpol has zero chance, “as in a hall too many of those, who knows they may be next.”

Novostirussia sabotaged yourself. Why?

An American expert believes that the Western countries, it is necessary to resort to the financial pressure on the office of the Interpol. In the budget of the international police, according to Theodor Bromand, 14 democratic countries accounted for $ 40 million revenues of $ 53 million. That is, 74% of the annual budget of Interpol give Western countries: USA, Europe, Canada, Japan and Australia. “I would suggest that the main donors of democracy came to the Secretariat of Interpol and said, you begin to suspend the membership of abusing Interpol countries to the extraordinary session of the Assembly is legally possible – but if you do not, your salary will be under threat,” BBC quoted the idea of an American expert.

Dr. Bromund – respected expert in Interpol, but he apparently is not very well understood the habits of the Putin regime. For the Kremlin to pay fifty million dollars for happiness full control over Interpol and the opportunity to chase his enemies around the world, it’s nothing, which is ridiculous even to speak. If 21.11.2018 Putin’s appointee Prokopchuk will be elected President of Interpol, to countries of democracy there is a challenge similar to what occurred in the period from 1938 to 1945, when Interpol seized by the Gestapo. And an adequate response can only be the same: withdrawal from the organization, which has been seized by those who use it for purposes directly contrary to the stated in the Charter of this organization.

News”here in Russia”, or the Sweet Russian candy was…

Perhaps democratic countries would have in this case to create an alternative international police, giving Putin, Erdogan and other dictators to persecute their dissidents in the territory of States, where the authorities are the same dictatorship — while in prosperous countries, these dissidents will be safe.

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