Ukrainian military returned fire on the positions of militants

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Ukraine / Flickr (archive)

Today in Donetsk region in shelling by militants wounded a Ukrainian soldier. About this Facebook reported the press service of the headquarters operations of joint forces.

“On 13 June armed forces of the Russian Federation once again opened fire with heavy machine guns and small arms on positions of the joint forces in the area [of the village] the Food. As a result of shelling one of our defender received a gunshot wound,” – said in the headquarters.

The soldier was evacuated to the hospital.

“Such criminal acts of the enemy will not go unpunished. Division of environmental protection, using available firepower, gave armed formations of the Russian Federation an adequate response. Enemy losses are specified”, – said in a statement.

#ООС #Операція_ОССьогодні, 13 червня, збройні формування російської Федерації в черговий раз відкрили вогонь з…

Posted by Операція об'єднаних сил / Joint Forces Operation on Saturday, June 13, 2020

In 2014, immediately after the annexation of Crimea, Russia has begun armed aggression in Eastern Ukraine. Fighting underway between Ukraine’s Armed forces on the one hand, and the Russian army and Russian-backed militants, who control part of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, on the other. Officially, Russia does not recognize its invasion of Ukraine, despite Ukraine presented the facts and evidence.