A law restricting the price of international communications, the European Parliament adopted
Photo: pixabay.com
From may 2019, EU citizens will pay no more than 0.19 Euro per minute to call abroad at EC (mobile and landline) and not more than the 0.06 cents per SMS. A law restricting the price of international communications, adopted by the European Parliament.
In addition, now the Europeans will be able, regardless of the internal rules of the operator to keep their phone number within one month after the end of the term of the contract.
From June 2017 on the territory of the European Union have already abolished roaming charges. The limit prices of international telephony is part of a new European code of electronic communications, which will be included in the digital single market strategy of the EU (Digital Single Market).
Recall, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which previously banned state-owned companies to pay employees bonuses, has decided and approved the action plan to improve the quality of mobile services.
The plan includes updating the list of quality indicators, adoption in the third quarter of updated quality indicators for mobile communications (voice, SMS and Internet access), and in the fourth quarter it is planned to establish the possibility of routing traffic to the voice telephony terminal equipment of subscribers of local fixed networks using mobile communication networks.
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