Princes were sent to prison and will soon judge
Photo: AFP
The arrests of 11 members of the Royal family of Saudi Arabia, which occurred during protests for refusing to pay their utility bills, linked to accusations of “destruction of public peace and order.
This was stated by the Prosecutor-General Saud al-Moab, who promised that the princes appear before the court, reports Radio Liberty.
“Despite the awareness that their claims are not legitimate, 11 princes refused to leave the territory (near the Royal Palace – Ed.) disturbing public peace and order,” – said a Moab.
According to him, the princes were sent to the prison of al-Hayer, where they secured maximum level security.
Recall that before the arrest of the princes had expressed the desire to receive monetary compensation for a death sentence to their relative.
Earlier in Saudi Arabia by decree of king Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud had carried out reforms, cut subsidies, introduced VAT and reduced benefits for the members of the Royal family, including suspended payment of utility bills for princes.
We also wrote about that earlier Saudi princes and billionaires who were accused of corruption, has agreed to transfer part of its assets and funds in the Treasury, exchanging their freedom from prison.
The authorities of Saudi Arabia intended to confiscate corrupt about 800 billion dollars.
The survey
protests, communal, Prince, Saudi Arabia
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