Duras: Thank you for the support and love

Photo: lady love / Instagram

Russian entrepreneur, programmer, Creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov has published in Instagram photo, which depicted naked from the waist up.

“My favorite movie “300”. The story of the 300 Spartans who fought to protect the freedoms of their countrymen, will be to inspire people through thousands of years. R. S. news from the front: the Russian government has blocked 18 million IP addresses, to prevent Telegram, but the application remains available to the Russians. Thank you for your support and love,” he wrote.

My favorite movie is “300”. The story about 300 Spartans fighting to protect the freedom of their compatriots will inspire people thousands of years from now. PS News from the front: Russian authorities have blocked 18 million IP addresses to ban Telegram, but the app remains accessible for Russians. Thank you for all the support and love * #digitalresistance #putinshirtlesschallenge

Publication from Pavel Durov (@durov) April 19, 2018 at 7:29 PDT

Access Telegram on the territory of Russia began to block April 16. To do this, the owners of the messenger refused to provide security services of the Russian Federation the keys to decode messages.

Durov called on the Russian users not to delete and not reinstall messenger. He promised that a messenger will use built-in methods of bypass of locks that do not require user action. However, he noted that does not guarantee availability of the service without using a virtual private network (VPN).

April 16, Roskomnadzor blocked the IP address of the Amazon and Google hosting which uses Telegram messenger