The introduction in the diet of a particular product present in the sale from April to June, can significantly strengthen the immune system.
This page on the social network Facebook wrote dietician Svetlana FUS.
Asparagus can be attributed to the number of those vegetables that you either love or they are shunned. “Most likely the people who don’t like asparagus, just not eaten properly cooked. The asparagus season is short – from late April to early June. So try to cook it now. It has a lot of nutrients and few calories. In addition, it can be a great seasonal addition to many dishes,” said nutritionist.
What you need to know about this vegetable?
Asparagus (a perennial grass from rhizomes which grow ground stems. In the food consumed young shoots. Later, the shoots become inedible.
Asparagus is of three kinds: white, purple and green. The color depends on maturity. White is a tender shoots that had not yet raised himself to the surface and saw the sun. Under the action of light asparagus tips become purple, and then quickly turn green.
Green asparagus is the most popular, grows outdoors. Green asparagus can be frozen, so it will be available all year round. It has more than white, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.
What is useful?
Low in calories, 20 to 30 kcal per 100 g asparagus contains many micro and macro-elements, biologically active compounds. In particular, it stands out for the number (vitamin U): 100 g – 110% DV, vitamin C 22% vitamin K 35%, folate (13%), lutein and its isomer zeaxanthin (11.8 percent), beta-carotene (9%). And also contains copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron, potassium.
Enough asparagus folic acid, so it is recommended to include in the diet of pregnant women and women planning pregnancy because folic acid supports the normal development of the fetus.
The asparagus should also apply due to the presence of asparagine, organic amino acids that improves the kidneys and has a diuretic effect. In addition, asparagus is a lot of dietary fiber, which improves peristalsis. Asparagus is contraindicated if you are hypersensitive.
How to cook?
The classic way of cooking boiled asparagus. You may also be steamed or baked in the oven. Asparagus can be eaten raw and added to salads, stew, cook on the grill, to use for cooking various soups, and as garnishes to meat or fish.
To preserve the nutritional value, it is best to cook asparagus is steamed or boiled in barely salted water for just a few minutes. It will retain its color, and it will be crispy. And the longer we cook, the softer will become the stems. Store asparagus in the refrigerator up to a week.
Also, the nutritionist told OBOZREVATEL about whether or not during the quarantine to drink alcohol. These recommendations can be found here.
With expert advice on how to stay hydrated during the quarantine can be found here.
Also OBOZREVATEL wrote about how dangerous during the quarantine, to buy vegetables and fruits. With the expert advice on this issue can be found here.
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