In dollar terms, Zuckerberg has achieved the greatest revenue growth as of March 23,

Photo: EPA

The defendants in the list of the 25 richest people in the world for two months of a pandemic coronavirus earned a total of $255 billion, estimated by Forbes magazine.

Most “plus” – the General Director of Facebook mark Zuckerberg. His condition by the evening of may 22 totaled $86,5 billion, which allowed him to move from seventh to fourth place in the ranking of billionaires. Shares in the social network was increased by 60%.

The leader of the list – Amazon founder Jeff Bezos also benefit. Shares of the giant e-Commerce continued to grow amid increased demand since the coronavirus virtually ceased operations to physical retailers, the magazine notes. Amazon rose 29%, as Bezos made $146,9 billion.

The largest increase in percentage terms over the period of the pandemic has made Colin Zheng Huang, the founder of Chinese online market Pinduoduo. It almost doubled its revenues, becoming the third richest man in China with a fortune of $35.6 bn

No one billionaire in the top 25 since March 23, has not reduced his fortune, says Forbes.

Flash coronavirus infection COVID-19 began in late 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. March 11, the world health organization declared the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.