Photo: Getty Images Lionel Messi and judges

AFA was asked to reduce the ban Messi for up to two months, which he has almost departed.

The court the South American football Confederation (CONMEBOL) did not satisfy the appeal of the Argentine football Association (AFA) to reduce the ban of the captain of Argentina Lionel Messi, reports Mundo Deportivo.

Recall that the Confederation decided to suspend striker of Barcelona due to the fact that erupted with criticism in their address during the Copa America, and said that they were all prepared for Brazil to win.

In addition to the Lionel did not come to the ceremony of awarding medals for third place. AFA also wanted to reduce the disqualification of the player for up to two months, which is already almost gone.

Thus, Messi will not help the Argentinian team against Germany and Ecuador.

According to the materials: