He gets offers from universities around the world

Laurent Simons, photo from open sources

8-year-old Belgian Laurent Simons, like the Chinese girl-child Prodigy, he graduated from high school at the age of eight years. He is just 1.5 years took a course designed for six.

About it writes BBC.

The young Prodigy is going to go to University after the summer holidays. He gets offers from universities around the world.

Laurent has a coefficient of intellectual development in 145 points.

According to the father of boys, a favorite subject of his son is mathematics. However what faculty will do the guy – as yet unknown. His parents consider it to be mathematics or physics.


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In his spare time he likes to solve math problems and read books on medicine. He had thought to become a surgeon or an astronaut, but now thinking about computer science.

Father Laurent also said that in early childhood the guy didn’t like to play with other children and was not interested in toys.