People’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada 8 convocation Vadim Nesterenko commented on the initiative of the first Vice-speaker of BP Ruslan Stefanchuk, who returned the money previously received from the state as compensation for rent of housing in Kiev.
He Stepanchuk explained his actions simply: “…I realized that, unfortunately, in some matters, even when you’re following the law, as it may cause negative publicity”.
– We, unfortunately, have messed up and intertwined completely different semantic concepts – the law and the information scandal. Enough is to follow the law, you also need to please their political opponents. Today in the same situation as Stefanchuk got many deputies of the previous convocations and present. Although, in my opinion, the issues first need to set the MPs, and those who in Parliament is responsible for making compensation for Finance, – said Vadim Nesterenko. – When we – the newcomers came in 2014 to the Parliament and received instructions from the apparatus of Parliament housing, assistants, organization of work, we all these tips and requirements perceived as legitimate and reasonable. And I am exactly the same as Stefanchuk rented and paid for apartment that belongs to my family. This – and here I agree with Stefanuca – does not contradict the letter of the law as then interpreted. And then the staff are not doing us any comments did not give any further clarification.
For example, now actively spins the information that dozens of deputies of the current convocation are millionaires, but receive compensation for housing. If it’s wrong, the law must be clearly established such a rule, for example, if the income of the Deputy more than a million, so his compensation is not due if it is less, put. Then the whole situation would be clear and understandable legal framework. But there are no clear rules, because, as always occurs after the change of power in the midst of a political struggle, subsequently legal suddenly becomes illegal, start scandals and repression. It’s wrong, but this is the reality of our lives.
Besides, I do not understand this suddenly become fashionable today, the logic of the Bolsheviks in respect of the calculation of personal funds and assets of MPs. People were in the business of making money, but came to the Parliament he became an ordinary civil servants. And you want this civil servant, if he is a wealthy man, at his own expense traveled on official business, paid for needed in need of service housing committed other expenses related to the execution of the state functions? In this case, be consistent, these requirements extend not only to MPs but also to the Ministers, members of Supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises and corporations, which in addition to its own millions of have a monthly salary of 200-300 thousand hryvnia. You do realize that this is absurd?
I will add and that I’m sure most have private capital of Parliament do at their own expense in their districts in charity work, helping needy people and give out much more than they get from Parliament staff. In fact, such a charitable and social activity of deputies is partial compensation for people in the district the assistance that they had, but not receive from the state. Ask me about how many personal and attracted funds went to charity, to support poor people in my County as a Deputy. These numbers are indicative of my social parliamentary work. In comparison, the compensation for housing and some were not.
But I agree with Stefanuca that sometimes reputational risks are more important than money. And so I, like Stepanchuk, returned to the state the funds that the state allocated to me as compensation for rental housing.
I would like to note that if the state showed healthy initiative would be provided to deputies on their own to return the compensation in the budget, in fact, such a move would be much more sensible and more effective than the current, so to speak, playing to the audience “in the fight against corruption”. With the need to fight corruption at the customs, in the carved Carpathian forests, illegal extraction of amber, where do disappear without a trace cost billions.
Vadim Nesterenko: “Stepanchuk rules – not required figure out the drive the opponent has”
People’s Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada 8 slikanja Vadim Nesterenko prokomentiroval ntsetup pershoho VA-spker BP Ruslan Stefanchuk, that turning money, runs triman from powers have quality compensat orenda zhitlo in CIV.
He Stepanchuk explaining svoï d device “… I zrozum scho, unfortunately, according to pirannah, navti if ti detritus legislature, TSE vilica the negative rathalos”.
– We have, unfortunately, long perepleteniya I pereplelis brand RSN Smyslov of the understand – act I informacini scandal. Nedostatki, it turns out, sluwatj the norms of the law, it has th dogoditi paltinum help our defenders the opponent has. Today in the same situation W Yak – Stefanchuk potrapila bagato deputati, Yak poperedni sclicing, so I ninskog. Although, on miy look, power first of all it’s not staviti deputies, and Tim, hto lying vdova for the design of compensation for fnance, – said Vadim Nesterenko. – Koli mi – Nowacki – prishli in 2014 year in Parliament I otrimali nstructs from aparata For at gitlo at pomonia, in the organization of work, mi VSI TSI requirements porady I have sprimary, Yak clam second I obrotowy. I I do so very, Yak Stepanchuk snma I opracowa apartment, Yak nalezyty mom relatives. TSE – I here I from Stefanuca shoden – not to superechit bukvi law, Yak Yogo then we traktowali. I then spivrobitnyky aparata not robili us godnic sauvagine, did not give niyakogo of dodatkowych devel Asnani.
Axis at a time, for example, actively raskroetsya information about those scho be called a few more desadv deputatu ninskog slikanja millionerami je, ale trimout compensation for zhitlo. Yakscho TSE wrong, in Sakon got booty CTCA prescribed such a rule, napriklad, yakscho DOHC MP more mlion, mean yomu compensation priznachena, if less – priznachena. Then the whole situation is Bula b ctcom I zrozumia legal poli. Ale CTCA such standards no, Tom, as always vdbase after SMN Vladi I in rozpal poltice of borotba, Sodom seconde Raptor STA nezakonnym, pochynayetsya skandali I repres. TSE incorrectly, ale TSE ye real nashogo zhittya.
Besides I vzagali not Rozum Qiu Raptor has become fashionable today logo bledavik schodo parajunkee osobisty koshtiv I activw deputatu. Man simulate banesa was parallel money, ale priuchavshee to the Parliament STA zvichayniy of derekwebb. I want VI, dwellers Tsey derslerimize, if he is rich man, for sviy rakhunok sdiv in slurbow Dragana, oblakova neophane on sluzbowa potreb zhitlo, Zdislav INSHI bitrate, POV Asan s vikonannya reigning functions? In such a case be poslov, visulite TAC requirements not only to deputatu, ale I to menstru, clev posterini glad I gerippt corporations, that besides vlasnik milionw toil msacn salaries of 200-300 thousand UAH. VI W rozumie scho TSE absurd?
Will gaff sche y axis scho – I upevneny scho blesst deputatu zi znacznie statname, simauta for sviy rakhunok in their districts blagodantoe, doomgate massabesic people I razzauti nabagato more koshtiv, than trimout from aparata lying. Are suti, so I charitable social operation deputatu – TSE m compensation for people on okros t relief, Yak stink Boule povinn, but not trimout from powers. Powered less about those, skilki osobistych I salochana koshtiv pslo on blagodijnist on Patrico malozamechennyj verst the population of my constituency pid hour perebuvannya Deputy. Sama TSI figures harakterizuyut my socalo deputatska the robot. Have porven s them Rosmer compensat for zhitlo I order not to stand.
Hello I zhoden s Stefanuca in fact scho not reputacin riziki maglevs for money. I mean I Yak , Stepanchuk, turning derjav ti koshti, that she W power vidrala meni in quality compensat for the Nyman zhitlo.
Want to see sche, scho acbi power showed health ntsetup I just zaproponowali b zabezpeceni deputies separatist povernuti compensation in the budget, naprawd taqiy CROC CCB bi nabagato razomnem I efektivnim, than all TL ninna, so bi mavity, Gras publc “in borotba s korupci “. Z korupce required vauhti on mitnic in vyrobnich karpatskih lsah on illegal widebody bursztynu, where there are really no sldo senecaut budget miliardi.
The information provided in the article 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine and article 6 of the Law of Ukraine On national minorities in Ukraine
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