Emotional burnout at work can cause serious complications in the human body, even cancer. It threatens working people, and Housewives.
Such opinion on air ObozTV voiced psychologist Oksana Pavlenko. She noted that the reason for this is the monotonous work that does not work.
“A person may suffer the common cold, reduces resistance to immunity to infections. Then it can lead to serious complications. There are cases of panic attacks in humans. Constant fatigue can cause even cancer. Emotional burnout of Housewives has not been canceled. Their job is quite monotonous, there is not reinforcement, and the result for which you are praised. At work at least you get paid, there is an effect,” she said.
Novosibkholod called the 10 habits, which must be disposed of after 30 years
The psychologist noted that the hobby is a very great way to restore power. We must do what brings pleasure, she added.
“If you exercise, you should understand whether it brings you pleasure. Now most people go to the gym because that was the fashion, – “all go, then me.” And there are people who are sport exhausts. It is better to go to the Park to walk, listen to music. It is important to switch to another activity is very good at helping hobby,” she said.
OBOZREVATEL earlier talked about some signs that will help parents to understand in time that their children need psychological help. Actions such as biting lips, tear burrs on the nails, are signals that are worth paying attention to.
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