Pogodin Academy organizes educational activities on practical psychology for 17 years.
But PSY 2020 FORUM was the first event of epic proportions. The event was held in an online format. Before the participants were experienced practitioners, psychologists, motivational speakers and TV stars.
“We decided in a short time and in one place to concentrate the maximum number of practical tools that people can use in their lives. The participants, who generally were not familiar with practical psychology, are now actively using it to build a career, business or personal relationships. And successfully use,” says the founder of the Academy and the event organizer Igor Pogodin.
More than 1,000 people were at the forum in live. Participants were asked to rate the event on a 5-point scale. The result is a PSY FORUM received a score of 4.9 on the official website:
The main strength of the event speakers. 20+ hours of their knowledge, skills and experience with visitors shared experts, including:
Just on the forum were made by 19 speakers.
In 2021, the organizers will not only continue the event, but bring it to whole new level. PSY 2021 FORUM will be held in a live format. Under one roof will gather more than 3,000 people.
Find out the details now and book your tickets at the most competitive cost available on the official website.
Ukrainian Gestalt therapist provv masshtabno the pondus s practice psiholog: detal PSY FORUM 2020
Pogodin Academy organsof oswt come W practice psiholog vzhe rokiv 17. Hello PSY FORUM 2020 becoming persou podu grandoni masshtabu. Zahid proykov online format. Before participants vistupili Douce practicalc psychologists, motivacin spcri I zirki TB.
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Hope osib 1000 bulls forum live APR. Uchasnikiv asked oceniti to pondus a 5-point scale. In resultat PSY FORUM trimas occu 4.9 on itsyou sit.
Basically the power pod – spcri. 20+ hours svoimi Znannya, navykami I DOSUGA s vdbum dolisa experti.
Vsogo on forum vistupili 19 spkers.
At 2021 rock organzationi not only to prodavati Tsey West, but to wevegot Yogo drastic Novi riven. PSY 2021 FORUM go through in living format. Pid one Dah berutsa hope osib 3000.
Know porobic vzhe now and zaboronovat receipts for maximum Vigano vartoti can be on itsyou sit.
The information provided in the article 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine and article 6 of the Law of Ukraine On national minorities in Ukraine
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