Photo: Корреспондент.net the Hryvnia lost returns last week

Last week, the dollar has lost about 60 cents. A couple of days of this week have already played 15.

The dollar exchange rate in exchange offices of banks in Kiev continues to become cheaper after the jump at the end of last week, according to data

So, on Tuesday, 7 July, the selling rate of cash dollar fell by another 8 cents to 27.14 UAH/USD, buying rate by 9 cents to 26.80 UAH/USD.

The average rate of buying the Euro rose by 2 pennies to 30.04 UAH/EUR, the selling rate by 6 cents to 30,67 UAH/EUR.

The national Bank has strengthened on 7 July, the hryvnia exchange rate at 4 cents – up to 27,12 per dollar.

Earlier it was reported that analysts expect growth of the dollar after the resignation of the head of the NBU Yakov Smoliy. Besides the expired term of office of Oleg Churia, which is responsible for the currency bloc of the national Bank.


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