The Euro rose from 18 cents, and a dollar is only five. At the same time on the interbank market of the Euro continues to rise, while the dollar fell.

The national Bank of Ukraine on Wednesday, 15 July, weakened the hryvnia exchange rate by 5 cents against the dollar and 18 cents against the Euro. This is evidenced by data on the NBU website on Tuesday, July 14.

The national Bank has set the official exchange rates at:

– $ 100 – 2714,36 UAH (+UAH 0,0553)

– 100 Euro – 3087,45 UAH (+UAH 0,1875).

On the interbank currency market the dollar in sale by 2 kopecks up to 27,10 hryvnia per dollar rate in the purchase to 27.08 per dollar. The Euro is up 8 cents to of 30.87 hryvnia for one Euro.

We will remind, in the beginning of the month, the NBU spent $150 million to support the hryvnia.

The analyst predicted the dollar for a week

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