Overview of events Thursday

Photo: EPA

The British Parliament voted to delay Brexit

The house of Commons of the Parliament of great Britain 412 votes to 202 made a decision on the postponement of the release of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The Parliament has asked the Prime Minister Theresa may to appeal to the European Union with the request for deferment Brexit.

The U.S. Senate has blocked the decision of the trump of the emergency

The upper house of Congress passed a resolution blocking the President’s Declaration of Donald trump declaring a state of emergency in connection with the necessity of erecting a wall on the border with Mexico. Trump has the ability to veto the decision of Congress that will be the first time the use of the veto during his presidential term.

The head of the foreign intelligence Service of Ukraine went to work in the Ministry of foreign Affairs

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the decree about the dismissal of Yegor Bozhok from the post of head of the foreign intelligence Service. By order of the government God appointed Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Manafort filed new charges

The Prosecutor’s office in Manhattan announced the presentation of 16 new charges against the former head of the election headquarters of the President of the United States Donald trump manufactu the Floor, among them forgery, fraud, conspiracy, and fraud.

SBU detained the bribe of the ex-Minister Korzh, who was an Advisor to Avakov

In the SBU reported about the exposure to extortion of $30 million bribe adviser of the Ministry of internal Affairs who worked on a voluntary basis. According to “the Ukrainian truth”, we are talking about the first Deputy of the Chairman of the sports society “Dynamo”, a former adviser to the Minister of internal Affairs Arsen Avakov Viktor Korzh. The crust was a member of the Party of regions, a Minister in the government of Viktor Yanukovych.

“Chelsea” defeated toijevskoe “Dynamo” in the Europa League

The sum of the two matches of 1/8 finals of the Europa League, “Chelsea” defeated “Dynamo” with a score 8:0.