Lyashko: it is Necessary to respect to the borders and the right of Ukrainians to have an independent state
Screenshot: Oleg Lyashko / Facebook
Faction of the Radical party holds a rally outside the diet building in Warsaw, Poland, for making the Polish Parliament amendments to the law on the Institute of national remembrance. The event was broadcast channel “112 Ukraine”.
The leader of Radical party Oleg Lyashko said that “laws are threatening the security of Ukrainians in Poland, are threatening peaceful life.”
“With respect to the borders and the right of Ukrainians to have an independent state, and not to distort history, to call the Ukrainian people and criminals to threaten the lives of Ukrainians. We are categorically against this protest. Our party our party we came to Poland to tell them: “Stop and do not look for enemies where there is none,” said he.
MP Dmitry Linko said that the deputies are going to transmit to the Sejm resolution of the Verkhovna Rada, adopted on 6 February in connection with the amendment of the act on the Institute of naramata.
Parliamentarians are holding flags of Ukraine and posters with inscriptions: “to Live not past, and the future”, “Polish law = Russian tanks”.
VIDEOVideo: 112 Ukraine / YouTube
On January 26, the Polish Sejm voted for the amendment of the act on the Institute of national remembrance. On the night of 1 February, the document was approved by the Polish Senate.
6 February the President of Poland Andrzej Duda signed the initiative and sent it to the constitutional court to check whether it restricts freedom of speech and belief.
The amendments provide criminal punishment for public accusations of Poland in the crimes committed during the Holocaust, the complicity of Nazi Germany, war crimes or crimes against humanity. Do not use the phrase “Polish death camp” when describing the concentration camps existed on the territory of German-occupied Poland.
Also the law establishes criminal liability for the denial of the participation of Ukrainian nationalists and members of Ukrainian organizations who collaborated with the German Third Reich, crimes against the poles in the years 1925-1950.
Any citizen or alien who has violated these rules, be sentenced to pay a fine or to imprisonment for a period up to three years. An exception is made for artistic works and scientific debate.
The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that the law is not aligned to the strategic partnership between Ukraine and Poland.
Parliament on 6 February adopted a draft resolution which said the Parliament of Poland on amendments to the law on the Institute of naramata. The statement said that the Parliament of Ukraine “disappointment and deep concern the decision of the Seimas”.
“The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine categorically rejects and rejects the policy of double standards and the imposition of ideas of collective responsibility of the Ukrainian nation, and attempts of the Polish side to equate the actions of all of the fighters for independence of Ukraine to the crimes of two totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century – the Nazi and the Communist,” the statement reads.
The foreign Ministry of Israel said that the law “disputes the historical truth.” In the OSCE considered that it restricts the freedom of expression.
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