This conclusion was made by scientists studying the Martian crust.
Our universe was not always quiet and peaceful. Billions of years ago, around the Sun there are countless numbers of material particles: dust, gas, mini-planets and space rocks. Gravity pulls together different matter, and thus the world began to take shape, as the blobs of mixed breed. Such is the theory expressed by some scientists, writes “Popular mechanics”.
“We didn’t even check that stuff,” said Jessica Barnes, cosmochemist from the University of Arizona. “But the results that we obtained from the bark of Mars, have forced us to go back and look at this hypothesis.”
It all started with the analysis of hydrogen in the Martian crust. The research team believes that the simplest and most common atoms in the universe, hydrogen atoms are the key to understanding the formation of the planet. Scientists decided to compare the distribution of ordinary hydrogen with the distribution of deuterium (an atom with a double filling: a proton and a neutron). To do this, they delved into the scientific literature, looking for hydrogen measurements of samples of Martian rocks that originated below the crust in the mantle. Different groups of deep-sea species differed not only by elements but also by how many different variants of hydrogen they contain.
Next, the researchers analyzed two meteorite that fell to Earth. Both objects date from billion to 4.4 billion years. The team found significant differences between these two breeds. Both lines of evidence have shown that deep below the surface there are two different types of rocks remaining from the small planets that formed Mars.
Now, researchers are going to work on the concept of the first days of the existence of Mars. Such models can be useful to determine how did all the rocky planets of the Solar system.
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