Latvian entrepreneurs ask Ambassador Juris Poikans to intervene in the situation in the Sumy customs
The Latvian company went to extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia in Ukraine, Juris Poikans to intervene in the situation in the Sumy customs office in Ukraine. In a letter to the Ambassador, which is in the possession of the Agency “Ukrainian news” the Deputy Director of OOO LBTEX (Riga, Latvia), Valery Eryomin said that customs officials block the machine and delay the clearance of a number of companies that import fabric.
“We have to turn to you for help to stop illegal actions by employees of the General Prosecutor’s office and operational staff BCOP of GU SB of Ukraine (the Main Department for combating corruption and organized crime of the security Service. – “GORDON”), in particular the Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine Tereshchenko, Prosecutor of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Danicam and SBU Nesterenko”, – said in the letter.
Eremin said the Ambassador between LBTEX and Sumy company “VULTEKS” concluded the foreign trade contract, completing clearance of goods, the Sumy customs, and the right of ownership passes from the seller to the buyer from the moment of customs clearance of goods in Ukraine. The Executive Director said that the may 14, 2019 at the customs terminal was taken items that belong to his company. He considers such actions of the customs officials as illegal.
“Our representative in the city of Sumy to submit an application about the crime committed by the aforementioned officials, which was registered in Sumy city Department of the police Main Department of the national police in the Sumy region. Preliminary damage caused by illegal actions of law enforcement officers, is 4,362 million UAH”, – said the Deputy Director of the company.
He added that security officials exceed their authority, and asked the Ambassador to deal with the situation.
“We’re asking for diplomatic intervention in clearly illegal actions of employees of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and BCOP of GU SB of Ukraine, in particular, investigator Tereschenko, the Prosecutor Danica, operational SBU, Nesterenko who by their actions cause our company damage and make uneconomical the further cooperation with the enterprises of Ukraine”, – stated in the document.
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That the number of Sumy companies can’t bring in local customs as raw material for production of rugs and blankets, as well as fabric and accessories for production of clothes and shoes, Deputy Director of “Vulteks” Evgeny Ovsiyenko said April 10 at a press conference in Kiev. He stressed that more than 30% of the tissues, driven by importers, designed for the needs of the army.
May 13, the company said that the Sumy customs prepares cargo on the basis of criminal proceedings unrelated to this business or to this region, and the SBU and Prosecutor General’s office promote the lock of goods. The company has addressed this issue with a statement in the State Bureau of investigation.
Groups of companies “Fulltext”, “TEKSIM Group”, “Sumy-Fleece”, “Pandion” and others asked to intervene and the newly elected President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.
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