MPs serves the laws about prayers of sexoriental and a ban on the export of fat
The speaker wants to now each document the signatures of at least 19 people. Photo: Mikhail Markiv. Author photo: Sergey Revera, “Today”
The Verkhovna Rada has decided to fight with the legislative spam. “Today” figured out what you will be able to wrap up the initiative of people’s deputies, and gathered the strangest bills of Parliament.
The speaker of the Parliament Andrei Parubiy at the opening of the present session of Parliament promised to complicate the registration bills:
“My initiative is to register the norm receives the support of a certain number of deputies. Number of the smallest faction. So that a group of MPs showed: there are a lot of prospects, and he served not just as a PR move of this or that Deputy.”
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For example, now the smallest faction in the Verkhovna Rada (“the will of the people”) consists of 19 people. So if the idea of the speaker will support the deputies, for the registration of the project in VR will need the support of at least 19 people.
Today the project may be denied only if it is not drawn according to the VR regulations. For example, if the authors did not add an explanatory note or a comparative table. If we are talking about an alternative bill in Parliament already have a document dealing with this same issue, the difference in time between their registration may not be more than two weeks. Parubiy promised to soon make BP your bill on the amendment of the rules.
According to the Committee of voters of Ukraine, BP remains the leader in the number of bills among the European Parliament — our MPs on average, register 1800 initiatives in the year. Their Norwegian colleagues — 5 Swiss — 6. In Greece for the year parliamentarians offer an average of 13 changes. The closest the Italian Parliament from 644 initiatives.
“Most of the submitted bills — the legislative low-quality spam. Every other project gets negative conclusions of the main scientific expert Department of the Verkhovna Rada, one — third of the Ministry of Finance. Laws are only 12% of the initiatives”, — said the head of CVU Alexey Purse.
After the opening of the regular session, the problem will only be exacerbated over the summer holidays (lasted from 13 July to 3 September), the deputies have filed 77 bills. During the first week of this session — has 58.
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According to political analyst Vladimir Fesenko, the idea proposed by Paruby, can solve the problem of spam in Parliament, as many bills are purely symbolic and serves for the sake of PR.
“It spent time, energy committees, there is a blockage of the information field. If the initiative is to advance from a group of deputies, at least ten, for example, it will help to reduce the level of spam,” he explains.
According to him, such changes are the least beneficial to the majority but factional MPs can and will support such innovation. But according to polytonality Ruslan Bortnik, the initiative of the speaker may face problems:
“First of all, you need to look at the Constitution. It stipulates the right of every Deputy of legislative initiative. Especially when you consider that now in Ukraine there is a majoritarian MPs, who are individually elected by the part of the population. And in this light, this initiative is uncertain and may be challenged in the constitutional court”.
The shooting of the bribe and embroidered map
Even a cursory analysis of bills submitted to the Parliament, gives the opportunity to evaluate the creativity of people’s deputies. So far, it was filed a bill prohibiting publicly show their sexual orientation to morally corrupt people. In particular, the ban applies to outdoor meetings and rallies. While the document awaits the verdict of the Committee. In the past year was registered a bill providing for the reading of the prayer “our father” before each session of the Parliament, but he was hacked to death in committees. Distinguished deputies and in 2015, proposing to legally hang in the session hall of the canvas with an embroidered map of Ukraine. But this project was removed from consideration. There is a BP and a project that proposes to rename a penny to the ruble, since historically he (the ruble) — “stump the hryvnia”. A radical solution was recorded to combat corruption: the project involved execution especially for large — scale bribery- more than 425 thousand UAH. In 2014 he received the bill, which was intended to introduce a ban on the export of fat from Ukraine and give it the status of “national heritage”.
The survey
The Verkhovna Rada, the bill, MPs, Parliament, MPs, bills
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