Roskomnadzor will be able to disable the Russian segment of the Internet from the world wide web
In Russia from November 1 came into force most provisions of the law on ensuring the safe operation of the Russian segment of the Internet. About it reports “Radio Freedom”.
According to the document, ISPs are required to install provided by Roskomnadzor equipment with which the Agency will be able to realize centralized network management in the event of security threats. If necessary, the Roskomnadzor will be able to disable the Russian segment of the Internet from world wide web.
The equipment will also be used for blocking of restricted resources, but their list is not yet approved.
The regulations of the national domain zone and cryptographic protection, and a number of other points of the law will be effective from January 2021.
The cost of implementation of the law may be more than 30 billion rubles (about 1.16 billion UAH), however, providers criticized this amount and stated that to analyze all passing traffic at the moment, “can’t afford anyone.”
Critics of the law say that the law on “sovereign” the Internet will create an opportunity for total censorship.
In the international organization “reporters without borders” condemned the act and stressed the existence of a threat to Internet freedom in Russia.
14 December 2018 the State Duma of the Russian Federation submitted the draft Federal law, which provides for operation of the Russian segment of the Internet without connecting to the world wide web, in offline mode.
12 February 2019 the Russian State Duma adopted in first reading bill on the establishment of the Russian sovereign Internet. One of the sponsors, Senator Sergey Klishas said that the government has laid on him the implementation of more than 20 billion rubles (about $305 million). The audit chamber of Russia gave a negative review to the bill, stating that it may cause an increase in the price of goods and services on the Russian market.
The law on “sovereign Runet” was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin on 1 may.
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