Scientists have already managed to figure out how the gradual increase in temperature on the Earth will affect the glaciers, the global sea level and the animals themselves. It turned out that the consequences have already begun, and very frightening — researchers announced that due to the increase in water temperature the fish population has declined considerably. This was reflected in the fishing industry: the income from this business declined, and the residents of those regions have a greater reliance on seafood, the risk to feel the lack of food.
The study was conducted by experts from Rutgers University: they combined data on fish populations with a map of temperature increase of the ocean water 1930 to 2010. This allowed them to understand how warming affected the fishing over the last 80 years. It turned out that the number of caught fish has declined from 4% to 35%. The regions which have suffered greater harm, are the sea of Japan, East China sea and the North sea.
We were stunned to find that ocean warming has already affected fisheries around the world . This is not a hypothetical change that will occur sometime in the future, this is what’s happening right now.
Malin Pinsky, co-author of the study
The implications of a global warming could affect the global economy and the lives of ordinary people. After all, in the fishing industry employs about 56 million workers and residents of coastal countries are very dependent on seafood. Managers of fisheries have begun to stop over-fishing and to seek ways of restoring populations. Some experts believe that the problem can be solved, establishing new trading relationships between the winning and losing regions.
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