Philippe Delorme: When I started to look for information about the Queen, it turned out that reliable information is very small, but there is a persistent myth
The history of Ukraine Western scientists are only now beginning to discover, was told by French historian Philippe Delorme in an interview with “Ukrainian truth”.
“I’ll tell you as a graduate of the historical faculty of the Sorbonne: history of Ukraine unknown France. Even professional historians are only now beginning to study the history of Stalinist repression, your history of the struggle for independence, the period of communization between the First and Second world wars,” he explained.
As a good example for historical communication it led to Anne of Kiev, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, which is sometimes erroneously called Anna the Russian.
“About the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise long wanted to write my friend, historian Gonzaga Saint-Bris. Although I always was interested in this person, – said Delorme. – In 2010, Gonzaga had invited me to Senlis, where the Abbey of St. Vincent, founded and built in the early eleventh century on the initiative of Anne of Kiev. In those days there was such a hype around the topic of Ukraine and Kiev and around the name of Anne of Kiev, I felt time this story occurred, and to write it I will. But when I started to look for information about the Queen, it turned out that reliable information is very small, but there is a persistent myth. In the XIX century, when the French and Russian courts strengthened their relationship and formed a political Alliance, they needed a person who would be connected one part of the world on the other. This role is best suited Anna of Kiev. In the XIX century she became Anna de Rus, and its image is “enriched” by such parts, which do not find confirmation in the historical documents.”
Although she was the Queen of France, the statements about her have been preserved, so the information for his book “Anna of Kiev, wife of Henry I” the historian collected for several years.
“It is interesting to observe the enthusiasm with which the Ukrainians living in France, and with whom we communicate, rallied around historical figures and even created a Cultural center of Anna of Kiev,” said Delorme.
He added that his wife Katrin Kern plans to create a sculpture of the Queen.
Philippe Delorme was born in 1960, he is the author of 40 books about prominent historical figures.
Cultural center of Anna of Kyiv founded in 2013 in the city of Senlis, where in the XI century lived the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise. His goal is to show that Ukraine was an important part of the cultural and geopolitical map of Europe a thousand years ago, according to the website of the Centre.
Its founders are Bishop of the Paris eparchy of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Borys Gudziak, the artist Anne Kanter, a specialist in international relations at Victoria Dellinger, lawyer Stefan Dunikowski and vicar General of the diocese of St. Vladimir the Great in Paris Mikhail Romanyuk.
Among the partners of the Center of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Ukrainian Catholic University, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Borys Lozhkin, the family Foundation of zagori co – PRJSC “Pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, the Fund “Believe in yourself” Viktor and Irina Ivanchik (Agroholding “Astarta”).
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