The researchers hope to use this compound for treatment of particularly dangerous forms of cancer, researchers from the United States

Cancer can be stopped. Photo: getty

Scientists at the University of Notre Dame in South bend (USA) found that RIPK1 protein enzyme, which is involved in cell necrosis, is able to block the growth of malignant tumors and the appearance of metastases. The researchers hope to use this compound for the treatment of the most dangerous forms of cancer, according to MedicalXpress.

Researchers have shown that RIPK1 promotes a decrease in the cells number of mitochondria – the organelles that provide metabolic energy. This, in turn, leads to the development of oxidative stress when there is a large number of reactive oxygen species that damage proteins, lipids and DNA.

In such conditions, the cells begin to self-destruct in the process of apoptosis or controlled cell death, which is one of the lines of defense against cancer.

Cell death can be induced when the epithelial cells lining the internal surface of organs and body cavities, separated from serving for them the “scaffolding” network of intercellular proteins. Although this process prevents metastasis, tumors can develop resistance to it. According to researchers, RIPK1 will help to solve this problem.

Necrosis is called a pathological form of cell death when the cell is destroyed as a result of infection or thermal or other types of physical impact, and its contents poured into the intercellular space. During apoptosis cell death occurs according to the genetic program, and her remains are effectively removed from the tissue without causing inflammation.