E-tickets are sold strictly on days, and to pay the fare for two is very problematic
Zhytomyr. The majority of trolleybuses in the city is equipped with stationary validators for reading e-tickets. The jigs — portable. Author photo: Alexander Yaremchuk, “Today”
A little over a year ago, in may of 2017, entered into force the law on e-ticket — a single ticket for all public transport. Recall, the e-ticket is a plastic card that can be replenished in a certain amount of travel and on which you can ride in public buses, trolleybuses and trams and metro. Payment takes place by means of the validator, installed in the cabin — just need to make it to the map, and it will be written off the money.
When the law was passed, many local authorities expressed interest in this opportunity and started its implementation, but most projects are still at the design stage and tendering process. But there are pioneers — in Zhitomir single ticket is already running more than a year and local authorities are very pleased with the results. “Today” went to “the city of a single ticket” and experienced all the delights for yourself.
In search of a card
“Single” trip we decide to start with the center of the city — streets of Kiev. The place is busy even early in the morning, busily scurrying citizens, cheerfully drive the trolley filled with passengers-adenosylmethione, but to become the owner of the coveted ticket is not so easy at first glance. No terminal ticket, nor any ads at the bus stop we found. We decide to call the dispatcher. On the other end after a short pause we were advised… to go to any bus and ask this question to the conductor.
Nothing to do — jump in the approached trolley bus 15A and look for the conductor. The first thing that catches the eye — a brand new, immaculately validator, it is important fixed in a conspicuous place in the salon of the old seedy trolley. Validators are equipped with almost all the public transport, which is more than 100 units. They are of two types: fixed — in salons and portable — they are armed conductors. Yet fixed — one for the salon, but in the near future will add another one.
Squeezing to the validator, trying to pay the fare of a regular credit card. Oops! — Nothing happened.
Failed. The usual card to pay the fare, we were not able
I had to surrender to the guard and to pay for travel the old fashioned way — with cash. “For two six hryvnia,” — strictly said to us the owner of the mobile validator and then knocked on it two voucher very antediluvian form indicating the date, route and time of travel. But here at the bus stop came a young man, made his way to the validator and is already a familiar gesture got e-ticket and immediately legalized their stay in the cabin.
“Handy thing. Use for several months. To travel a lot, so buy a nl. For the card paid 20 hryvnia, and filled up to 100 with the Breakfast, just do not remember. At this tariff you can ride even around the clock,” — said Maxim.
Vystrelivaet where you can get coveted card:
“From 27th to 4th of each month at any kiosk at bus stops, and other days it is a problem”.
After the first acquaintance with e-ticket decide to ride around the route. But we had a setback. Half an hour of the trip, except for Maxim, no one else has used stationary validator — fit to the conductor. She, in turn, briskly moving between bags and passengers, cleverly all objecive. In response to our question about where to buy e-ticket, the woman answered sadly:
“Probably at the depot. But in General these tickets all conductors will be dismissed. Automation will be everywhere, people don’t need to be. But my family loans, the salary in 5 thousand hryvnias barely enough to make ends meet”.
After hearing the complaints of conductors, go out near the depot, determined still to find out if they’ve got single tickets. But it turned out, we were not able to help.
“We have no tickets, but if you must, go to the market, lyatoshinsky. There is a stall, where in the middle of the month you can buy a ticket”.
- What to do if you are caught without a ticket in the transport
Duty depot were so friendly that not only carried out to the right tram, but also went with us, and then asked the conductor to show where we want the kiosk.
“Yes, I know where he is. Near the barrel with kvass,” the matter replied the conductor, and then charged us 6 USD and in 10 minutes took us to “the barrel with kvass”, which we finally found the kiosk.
A miracle! On sale are tickets for every taste — unlimited tickets per month or per quarter (140 and 420 UAH). Given the fact that we asked for a ticket for the 19th number, it is better to buy for 10 trips. Take a single e-ticket — 20 UAH for the very plastic card and 29 UAH for 10 trips. The cashier immediately warns to pay the fare of two persons one card will be problematic:
“From one reading to another must pass a few minutes.”
To return to the city centre, I had to first go in the tram and in the bus. The tram validator on the handrail was not — he was only in the hands of the conductor. With a map, we printed the voucher and went — the operation took three seconds, as in the Kiev subway, when you pay by card. This time in the cabin was found a few holders of e-ticket. After a few stops, we hopped in the bus, which was stationary scanner, and tried to pay for two. However, had to persuade alert the conductor to allow us 10 minutes to go “hares”, they say, as an experiment. All went well — the money is written off, the coupons are issued, and the inspectors we never got caught.
E-ticket. With this map you can ride in trams and trolleybuses
Nemishajeve: benefits map
A small town in the Kiev region Nemishajeve became one of the first who introduced a kind of prototype of the electronic ticket. They became “Social card of nemeshaeva”, which provided the bulk 100% accounting and 90% savings on transportations of passengers of preferential categories. Local authorities last summer, has equipped all taxis readers that were purchased for the budget. The entire campaign cost only 10 thousand UAH, and paid off within the first three weeks. The system works thus: the passenger-exempt, going on the bus, applies the map to the scanner. After that, the information about a specific passenger is sent to the data center. The results of the month power offset to the carrier is strictly for the number of number of beneficiaries. As shown by the first results, the maximum number of beneficiaries transported in one day 53. With such dynamics during the year the amount of payments to carriers — a total of 27 560 UAH, although in the past for this purpose was allocated 379 thousand UAH annually.
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Pros: hares and travel to the loan
Zhytomyr mayor Sergei Suhomlin and his Deputy Dmitry Tkachuk saying that the launch of the e-ticket was not easy. According to them, last year the situation among the workers and among the population was on the verge of revolt — the people with distrust embraced the initiative of the authorities, but, fortunately, over time the degree was lower.
“Conductors-pensioners complained that, they say, will not be able to master the manual validators. But it’s only been three months, and they have learned not only how to use them and print on them “the left” tickets to pick up the money! Don’t know, maybe it taught them advanced grandchildren, but we had to eliminate these loopholes,” — smiling, said Sergei Sukhomlin.
Speaking about the advantages of the project for the city Treasury, in the city hall note that the new system helps them out a lot of useful figures. For example, the difference between the actual number of passengers and the number of those who have paid for travel in a particular bus.
“Seeing this data on the screen of the tablet, which is located in the city hall building, you can send a squad of inspectors into the trolley where there is a difference between number of passengers and the number of those who paid the fare. That is, go where there are rabbits,” says Sergei Sukhomlin.
According to him, the system works by using special sensors mounted in the transport and imperceptible to the ordinary passenger. However, even this is not the most important thing in the system. According to Tkachuk, innovation allows you to track actual ridership, to downloaded routes to send more transport and less congested, conversely, to withdraw in favor of peak.
“This allows you to make and graphics that will meet the requirements of passenger traffic”, — says Sergey Sukhomlin.
Specifies that the current e-ticket is only the first step. The model of the future, according to Sukhomlin’s, is when one ticket in this town will be able to travel, for example, with a transfer to another mode of transport to the destination. He adds that in the future Zhytomyr — the creation of a two-chip credit card.
“That is, it will work as a banking product and as an additional city service. The second chip will be written and transport programs, and pharmacy benefits. We have already signed all treaties. It is planned that the project will start in the coming days,” — said Sukhomlin.
According to him, the Bank card provided and this option, one trip to credit the money will be debited after credit card.
According to city officials, every stationary validator is about 40 thousand UAH. The total cost of the system is 20-25 million UAH, the money was taken from the city budget.
“But the system has almost paid for itself. If you calculate that after the installation of the second validator we will reduce 200 conductors, this system will completely pay for itself in a period of one year,” says Sukhomlin, confirmed the intention to say goodbye to the conductors.
It said that without a job they won’t stay because of the jobs will be supervisors.
“We have another problem in the city. It is difficult to find workers. By the way, some of the conductors have gone on courses of drivers of trolleybuses on a slightly higher salary.”
Simultaneously with the introduction of e-ticket, the city government was introduced and a floating price of admission. 4
until 6 o’clock in the morning and after 23:00 to midnight it is 6 UAH, in another time — 3 UAH. But to go with the card, even in “expensive” watch cheaper validator at any time of the day debits from 3 UAH. And if you top up the card for 50 trips, that’s one “ride” will cost and even cheaper is 2 UAH 50 kopecks. All of this came to fruition. Sergey Suhomlin says that the daily revenue increased by 25%. If before introduction of the system the conductors have passed about 87 thousand UAH per day, after up to 100 thousand UAH.
Check. After payment, the validator issues a paper check
Kyiv: we’ll go this year
Authorities of the capital continue preparations for the launch of a single ticket. Earn a full new system this year. Passengers for the convenience promise several options fare: single ticket to “card of Kiev”, which will run as a ticket.
Note that the first 500 sets of equipment for e-ticket, consisting of on-Board computers and validators, “Kyivpastrans” purchased last year. But only need 1,500 validators from two to five pieces in one cabin of the transport, depending on its size. The whole “outfit” will cost UAH 400 million.
In the first validator equipped with the electric trolley buses and trams, and then buses. But the 300 bus stops will get a terminal for the sale of single tickets and electronic plastic cards and supervisors will provide readers to check the paid fares.
To pay the fare after the launch of e-ticket passengers will be able in several ways: one-time ticket with a QR code via a smartphone app (still in development), e-travel (they can be purchased in the metro), Bank contactless card and a “Card of Kiev”. The last option, and not only pensioners and beneficiaries, but also all citizens — owners of “card of Kiev”. In the mayor’s office promised to charge travel “Card of Kiev” will be via the terminals at bus stops and in subway stations and through the portal in “the Cabinet of Kiev.” In addition, at first, to help passengers to curb the validators are conductors.
- Travel in Kiev eight hryvnia: the decision may be postponed
Where else: almost ready Vinnytsia, Lviv — in the process
In addition to Zhytomyr, or otherwise trying to implement single ticket and other cities of Ukraine. For example, in the river from January 2018 runs in a pilot version in the tram 1 route. But at Chernihiv’s city hall just recently approved rules for the use of a single ticket and next month will begin implementation on the trolleybus routes of the city. By the end of the year promise to launch innovation and in the winery.
“In may, we held a tender, and June 27, at the session of the city Council will approve the introduction of payment of travel, types of travel documents. In December, you can begin testing the system. Will run the whole cycle — of operation of the terminal for account replenishment, will operate point of sale cards, validators in transport”, — told the “Today” Director KP “Venezacastello” Ekaterina Babina, noting that people with disabilities online provides the ability to track the arrival time at the stop, low-floor transport.
The money for this initiative, about 8 million euros, supported by the EBRD. According to Babīna, in Lviv, the system is still not running, but the city is working to implement it. “They are now in the process of development, attracted consultants, but the tender they have not yet been announced. So this year in Lviv a single ticket will not be” — says Babin. And he adds:
“Equipment installation continues in Kharkov. It came to a private investor. Some residents were unhappy (due to hardware failures), but I think that before the end of the year, the transporters will debug the system.”
As reported “Today”, after in December of last year in Kharkov has started to introduce e-ticket, vandals damaged 25 terminals for sale travel.
Kharkov. Continued installation of terminals for the sale of e-tickets
The survey
metro, tram, trolley, travel, conductors, electronic ticket validators, e-ticket
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