Photo: the Most vivid Halloween costumes 2018
The most fashionable Halloween costumes how to dress fashionably for the celebration of all saints Day have to impress the neighbors their own unique way.
On 30 October, the eve of all saints ‘ Day in English-speaking countries celebrate Halloween. The last ten years the scale of the celebration are satisfied and in Ukraine. Preparing for Halloween in advance, at least two weeks before the holiday. Carefully select the costume. will discuss how to choose Halloween costumes for guys, girls and children. We’ll show you how to make a simple Halloween costume with your own hands and what looks popular this year.
The tradition to dress up for Halloween came up with Scottish children in the late nineteenth century. They wore scary masks and went from house to house trick-or-treating. At the beginning of the XX-th century the idea took root in the United States, Ireland and England.
Original Halloween costumes 2018 / photo:
Exactly a hundred years Halloween costume turned into a bright suit, which selects the appropriate makeup and hair. From time to time outfits resemble props from horror movies, and using face paint to the face cause awesome figure, replacing his mask.
The main theme of the Halloween costumes regardless of gender and age – evil, supernatural or fairy-tale characters, heroes of the well-known box office hits, popular costumes on sexual topics.
Original women’s Halloween costumes
Pick a costume the girl on holiday, and easy and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, images of a great multitude, but the catch is to choose the right apparel is rather difficult. The finished costume can be purchased in cheap massmarket or pick up in a specialty store.
A great option is to rent. But the most economical will be a homemade outfit. It is enough to revise in your own closet and combine items of clothing that are no longer fashionable.
If you wish to clothing the paint is applied any image. Relevant are dresses and tops with skulls, spiders, and other Halloween animals.
The most popular in 2018 are:
Witch costume on Halloween
Witch costume for Halloween / photo:
This character is the leader for any costume party including Halloween, because the image of a mystical and mysterious. Witches are different: the old woman a witch, nice witch-student, elegant experienced sorceress, witch.
To create an image of the Old gargoyles will need a hooked nozzle on the nose, warts, Velcro, on the head make a shaggy hairstyle. Can wear an old dress or gown, which for added effect cut into rags.
Take a broom or a crutch. Witch student is a good character. To have beautiful make-up, the mysteriousness of the image attached with rhinestones applied on the lashes or in the corners of his eyes. Costume pick meticulously, belonging to the caste of witches can be emphasized with the help of a headdress in the shape of a cone.
The most attractive witch is a skilled Sorceress. This witch is exquisitely and tastefully dressed, her outfit hugs the mill tightly, demolition. Fit exquisite formal dress, jewelry, elaborate hair, bright makeup with emphasis on the lips.
To create the image of the Fairy tale witches will help characters: Solokha, ladies, “Wii”, the Stepmother from Sleeping beauty, Maleficent.
The costume of a nun on Halloween
The nun costume for Halloween / photo:
In this way girls look feminine and sexy. The way the Nuns a simple but very effective. Overall fit of the black dress, the main element of the costume, wimple, head scarf with a cutout for the face.
Central accessory – a massive cross, the make – up uncomplicated. With the help of pencil do black tears. Look scary, black scleral lenses.
Dead bride zombie
Dead bride zombie / photo:
The cartoon “Corpse bride” so impressed the audience that the image became iconic and is often exploited in Halloween parties. Pick a costume from home wardrobe will fail because you need a wedding dress.
To find such it is possible in offices specializing in the rental of costumes, or check out the listings for cheap and used dresses. The bride’s attire can make the most.
For this we need to purchase white corset and a few yards of tulle from which sew a full skirt. The rest of the material will be useful for veils. Dress stain artificially, simulating the earth and blood. In the hands of the Bride takes a bouquet of artificial or faded flowers.
Cat costume, tigress for Halloween
Cat costume, tigress for Halloween / photos:
You can wear the outfit a real pet (cat,tigress, Panther) or come to the party in the form of Catwoman. Will suit tight leather or leopard suit, supplemented with tail, headband with cat ears. Be sure to wear shoes with high heels, and face paint cute moustache.
Vampire / photo:
Can appear in Gothic or erotic manner. Need clothing red and black shades, cloak and long gloves of the same color. Vampire wear fishnet stockings and stiletto high heels. Worth to buy vampire teeth, and in the corner of the lips be sure to draw a bloody trickle.
Zombie / photo:
This image is a cross between Gothic and rock. Garments it is possible to find in your wardrobe, because you need leggings or a skirt, dark sweatshirt or t-shirt-”American”, bralet or leather jacket. To match the image will help make-up with emphasis on eyes.
The Priceline from space
The Priceline from space / photo:
Space can look in any tight dress, richly decorated with sequins.
A character from the Addams family
A character from the Addams family / photo:
The image of Wednesday Adams to create is quite simple, you need a black dress with a white collar, reminiscent of a school uniform, shoes-ballet flats, black tights under. Make – up- discreet, white powder, black eyeliner.
To turn into outrageous Martisco, mom, Wensday, you can use: black lace evening dresses, a wig of long, black hair, makeup, with an emphasis on red lips, long red nails. The brave ones can learn the way grandma Adams – haired old woman with black teeth in obrandom dress.
The heroine of a popular series or movie
You can dress up in character style cosplay of “Game of thrones”, “the Magnificent century”, “Star wars”, “Avatar”, “Alien”, “Chuckie”, “Alice in Wonderland”. The outfit is selected such that it corresponds to the selected image.
Humorous way
It may be: Girl-minion, Bee, Strawberry, any products. Mainly use ready-made costumes or clothing items, which look ridiculous.
Men’s Halloween costume
A vampire / photo:
You will need white, better silk shirt and black pants. Additionally, wearing a red vest and white gloves. The main attribute of the coat, preferably red or with red lining. An important element of the image – vampire teeth, in the corner of the mouth it is logical to look bloody drip.
Freddy Krueger
The image of Freddy Krueger on Halloween 2018 / photo:
To create the image of a maniac from the movie you need: sweater in red and dark green striped felt hat-Fedora or Trilby with a distinctive dents on the crown, gloves with metal blades. To do such, you can use wire and tape. Pants wear black or brown.
The Joker / photo:
The main thing in the image – the makeup, but to get mens purple suit is not so simple. Dye your hair green using spray paint or need to wear a wig.
The undead look for a Halloween / photos:
Will fit any old clothes, which is additionally cut and stain. It can be: jeans, shirts, suits, t-shirts and t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets or blazers. Required element – the makeup with bloody spots, wounds and scars not only on the face but also other parts of the body.
Characters from the Addams family
Halloween usually turn in: uncle Fester, Gomez Adams, Butler Larch. The head of the family likes expensive striped suits, bow ties or butterflies, stacks lacquer hair and a moustache. His brother, fester, “lives” in an old suit and worn shoes.
Uncle Fester bald head, dark circles under the eyes. Larch is reminiscent of Frankenstein, he has a pale face and focused look, wearing pants with suspenders, and shirts of pastel shades.
Style cosplay
Popular costumes: Batman, Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, clown Pennywise, Willy Wonka, Edward scissor hands, Death.
Costumes for kids on Halloween
Easy to make handmade kids costumes for Halloween.
Universal children’s images:
The image of a Ghost for kids Halloween / photos:
Only needed a white sheet or a square of any fabric in white. In the middle to make a slit for the eyes and mouth.
Mummy Halloween / photo: Pinterest
You will need a wide cut on bandages or tape long pieces of fabric that need to wrap the baby. Can be applied on top of the red paint, simulating blood stains.
The image of the skeleton for kids / photo: kinderinfo
The most favorite children. The child dressed in any clothes of black colour, which is not a pity to put picture white luminous paint. You can use a special stencil, then it is more convenient to use the paint in the can.
Costume and makeup vampire Halloween 2018 / photo:
To create the image of the boy fit black pants, white shirt and red vest. The girl choose a dress in red and black colors. One of the most important elements of a suit – coat.
A perfect image will work if the teeth wear a special “vampire” covers. Usually “vampirates” draw a red trickle of fake blood in the corners of the lips.
Halloween dress up cat/cat or bat. Enough to draw a mustache, wear cat ears and gloves in a cat’s paws, and image ready.
For Bat need wings, but is fine black cloak. Small children can wear any fancy dress costume to make the appropriate make-up.
To stand in the way of the Witch or Sorcerer is quite simple, the main thing to choose what the magician wants to be a child. “Good” the image is created by using dressy clothing, complementary cone-shaped hat and a Cape.
Take the “magic” wand. In the “evil” sorceress girl turns with a hooked nozzle on the nose, messy hair and broom. The dress/suit you can attach figures of frogs, snakes, spiders.
Heroes of the underworld
Angels and Devils – bright, memorable images. For angel’s actual wings and a halo, which is mounted on a wire or rim. The devil will need a decorative horns, tail, pointed Trident. Face paint whiskers, suggest large black eyebrows.
The characters of famous animated films, movie stars
On Halloween it is acceptable to dress in a favorite hero of the cartoon, kinoperson. In the holiday is often throw parties in a certain style, according to which and pick up the outfit.
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