Russian promoter Vladimir Soloviev threw a tantrum live from the leaders of the OUN-UPA Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych.
So, in the course of the program Solovyov tried to blacken the memory of the Ukrainians, telling the truth about their crimes. However, soon one of the guests in the Studio argued with the promoter, why he switched to shouting and insults.
“I can tell you where the six graves of my ancestors. Your Bandera bastard buried them alive during the war. While you say your heroes are Bandera and Shukhevych, I will until the last moment, while breathing, you tear” – mad nightingales.
Solovyov scandal live
Solovyov scandal live
He also called defenders of the Ukrainian land, “the murderers, torturers and anti-Semitic,” saying that they were killing poles, Jews and Russians.
Novosiolova expressed the desire to send their children to fight in Syria. Video
Opponent Soloviev agreed with him and continued to deny the lies of the propagandist, after which he finally passed the insults and demanded that the guest left the air.
“Get out of here! Guards! Get out of here Nazi scum. Get out!” – he freaked out.
Solovyov scandal live
Solovyov scandal live
As reported by OBOZREVATEL, in early February, Vladimir Soloviev live stream of the show on the channel “Russia 1” had insulted the head of Lviv Andrey Sadovyi, calling him a “bastard”.
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