Vladimir Zelensky said that in 100 days since his inauguration as President of Ukraine he heard a lot of feedback on their work, but the critical evaluation, in his words, put himself. About Zelensky said during a speech in the Verkhovna Rada, the correspondent of RBC.
Photo: Reuters
“This period [the first 100 days of the presidency] can be called a quiet stroll at dusk with the headlights off at the first speed. It’s true,” said Zelensky.
Then Zelensky expressed confidence that Ukraine “will finally be able to turn on a fifth speed and to move confidently on the path of change.” “I am very pleased that we have a Parliament that is truly ready to work. Not to engage in populism, not to fill up important decisions in the thousands of meaningless amendments, and to implement real reforms, which are tired of waiting for citizens of Ukraine and the entire civilized world”, — concluded Zelensky.
In Kiev on the 29th of August to the beginning of work of the Verkhovna Rada of the ninth convocation. Before starting work, all members in accordance with the procedure sworn. The speaker of Parliament, became the head of the party Zelensky “servant of the people” Dmitry Razumkov. The President gave the new convocation of the year to prove the effectiveness of their work.
The new composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was formed as a result of the early parliamentary elections that took place on July 21. According to their results, the party Zelensky “servant of the people” gathered of 43.16% of the vote that the sum of the results of elections in single-member districts gave her the 254 seats in the Parliament out of 450.
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