Drink Prosecco. A glass, another bottle. And then, you know, Prosecco is still drunk, but not happy — and we change him with whiskey.
Two! Double! shouts the Marina, following the waiter. — I have “Louis Vuitton”! she says to me. — They’ll open?
— You must be very rich! — I’m surprised.
And Marina says that she met a man. We are looking for him on Facebook, Marina, as usual, dives into the phone for five minutes to find the best photograph, and then we decide that a man is handsome, and dressed well. Bring the whiskey. He suspiciously quickly ends. Marina requires two.
Novostirussia girl friend, or Life without men is impossible?
The man with her words, very smart. Luxuriously educated. She followed him, traveling around the world — for a couple of days for any his business, and he takes luxury hotels, and buying her anything. A bit like a dream of a kept woman, but Marina and she is from a wealthy family, and earns a good, and men it is usually rich.
And somehow suddenly finds that Marina lives here, on Tverskaya street, and this man — in Novokuznetsk.
In the sense of being in different hotels? — clarify I’m trying to understand, that my thoughts are braided or language.
She nods.
— What about sex? — I feel, now that will be interesting.
And if we did not drink whiskey after sparkling, then maybe Marina wouldn’t. But it turns out they’ve been Dating for three months and go for all these luxurious hotels and dine at Michelin-starred restaurants and his Bank card she had used to take her, but sex — no.
— What, never? — I ask.
Novostirussia against women, or Who needs you in your elderly 28
He strokes her hand when they dine. Hugging in the limo. Sends Breakfast in the morning. But don’t use in their relations member.
— And what are you doing?! — I exclaim. — Go to him and say: come on, deri I, suco! Let’s have an Orgy even with the petting! And you want it?
Oh, I have a million questions! But if I sobered up (a bit) curious, she already realized that he had said too much. No one understands, doesn’t want to admit that its not… that. She wants. And he was — is unclear.
And how long will you wait? — I insist. Ten years?
Novostirussia way to turn the relationship into hell
Women know how to wait. Many people think: “Male fit. Attractive. After all, he can not never with me not to have sex”.
My girl friend Natasha waited six months. In fact, she herself was in no hurry — it seemed to her that she looks “decent”. Then he invited her to nice, and everything once happened. The next day she tried once more, but the man somehow offended, sent her home and went back to his ex. He doesn’t need whores — as it is said.
I met Mary when she was met with a blunt, but very lustful boy. He got out of bed, only to shower and eat. And then Mary decided (quite reasonably) that the biker is too primitive and early to meet with the young banker, who was very beautiful and much courted her for several months. Track Masha got lost, and then she showed up and complained that they have sex once a month, and then after her insistence, and in a routine way — hugs, kisses, dinners, movies and travel. She does not reproach. She does not insist. Doesn’t ask sharp questions. Waiting.
Nososticta turns modern women
Women awkward to demand sex. The logic is this: if you show your desires, it might frighten him. After all, if he wanted — would have a lot of time it was. Maybe he wants. But in a strange way. Better to remain silent. Keep a low profile. Then, perhaps, everything will be fine. Ever.
We don’t know what problems these men. It doesn’t matter. The point is that the woman is ashamed to talk about sex, shy to voice his own desires. Sex in the power of men.
Maybe a man is impotent. Or secretly gay. Or just a beast.
One ordinary girl married a handsome and rich man. Not believe his luck. The sex was so rare that it is, in the end, destroyed the happiness of this Cinderella, and she demanded an explanation. The husband was a man of direct and stated that she had not sex for this he has a beautiful mistress, and he ought to marry, and it was supposed to be a humble caring woman who does not stop living. She stayed with him. Because “‘t go.” Too tasty morsel for an ordinary girl. Status — it is more important than sex.
Novostirussia got almost everything you can dream of. In addition to orgasm
For the sake of status girls can restrain themselves. To wait and not wait. In their frame of reference, sex on the fifth or sixth place, so they are always ready to sacrifice them, even if they have panties already belching smoke and the sparks. Suffer, despised the flesh!
A woman is able to sit through years without sex because she has an Enviable Man. Maybe they have never had an uncontrollable desire. Maybe he stopped wanting. In any case, the woman will suffer.
— It is strange that we don’t have sex for six months — said friend. He has a lot of work — then it justifies it. And grandfather died.
— And he really liked his grandfather? — that’s sarcasm, but she doesn’t understand. — Listen, he you should not, dear. And is unlikely to be better.
Friend half an hour proves that it is better — will. In a few months he dumped her, of course.
Novostirussian now nobody gives
And here is the question for women of the XXI century: is it true that Hermes bag better than sex? It is true that the status of “married” equates to 150 orgasms?
Here you say, “Oh, well temperament at all different”. And I answer: “Nonsense.” I’m talking about women who know — and when they have a man who needs sex three times a day, these women running around with glowing eyes, rosy cheeks, excited and happy.
Just girls someone taught that they should not insist on sex, not that this needs to go to the man, if he does not want, should not complicate his life. It is enough that man is, and really demand the impossible from him is to tempt fate to the test. And even if a woman and not think about all sorts of statuses, it will also not a prostitute so to offer themselves. In addition, you can obtain a waiver and continue to live it is impossible, after only a monastery.
Have novotiral sex
Women somehow manage to take all this nonsense as a given and not even trying to think: is not dull if all this nonsense? My theory is mass hypnosis. Or maybe there are secret courses for girls, where they send and brainwash in order to strengthen the Domostroi?
These insights are, frankly, much better than the fact that chicken philosophy is alive and well, and without the slightest attempt on the part of women, at least a little time to think and to change something. And then they also wonder that any Insta-chick in the shorts with the slit in the vagina, which drops a chest on their man and passionately whispers, “I Want thee to die come with me Oh yeah” instantly takes you anywhere with this guy, which member has long been covered with dust.
It’s very simple: if you have a man, but no sex, it better not be never. He’s either a secret/latent gay, you either like his mother (and she gives him life). Will or cover, or a nurse. Without sex forever.
Basically, if it suits. But if you are a romantic in your soul is still able to move around without a wheelchair, you run from such a relationship and, most importantly, run from itself — seeded old-fashioned and the victims of bigotry and Patriarchy.
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Other blogs of the author
- A girl’s best friend, or a Life without men is impossible?6
- Women against women, or Who needs you in your elderly 2817
- The best way to turn the relationship in ад23
All blogs of the author
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