Navka: Traditional sauna evening, the whole family together. And these are all our children. A lot of them, but it’s so cool

Photo: tatiana_navka / Instagram

The wife of Dmitry Peskov, press Secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin, figoreshka Tatiana Navka shared a family picture in which her husband is depicted bare-chested. The photo she posted to Instagram.

“Traditional sauna evening, the whole family together. And these are all our children. A lot of them, but it’s so great,” she wrote.

Traditional sauna evening, the whole family together . And it’s all our children???????????? A lot of them, but it’s so cool ???????????????????????????????????????????????? #peskovfamily #agromasina

Publication of Tatiana Navka (@tatiana_navka) APR 2 2017 11:35 PDT

From Peskov Navka gave birth to daughter Hope 21 Aug 2014. The wedding grooves and Peskov was held on 1 August 2015 in Sochi. In the groove has a daughter from his first marriage, Alexander. Peskov from previous marriages have two sons – Nicholas Mick, Danny, and daughter Elizabeth.