In late February, Elon Musk has published a cryptic message about some big announcement, and Internet users are actively wondered what it intends to represent. Despite the desire of most people to hear more about the crossover Tesla Model Y, the entrepreneur spoke about the release low-cost version of Tesla Model 3. This is a really important event, as the novelty is $ 35,000 — initially, the company intends to sell a novelty at this price, but the car was worth more than $ 40 000. To achieve the price reduction happened due to changes in sales strategy.
Elon Musk has announced that in the near future, the company will close most retail stores and focus on sales via the Internet . Thus it will reduce the cost of sales and marketing and will be able to sell cars for 6% cheaper. The entrepreneur has assured that customers will be able to order a car in less than a minute.
The new sales strategy will also solve another problem of the company is legislation in some States prohibits selling cars directly, bypassing retailers. Because of this, companies had to call their shops “salons” and you still place orders over the Internet. About 130 points for demonstration of cars Tesla will continue to work, but will not be available for a test drive. This restriction, the company decided to compensate for the new rules of refund: after buying the car, people will have the right to return it within 7 days, provided that they have not traveled more than 1609 km.
Of course a cheaper version of the car and improved modifications is a big difference. So, Tesla Model 3 for $ 35,000 to be able to travel on a single charge at a distance of 350 kilometers. For comparison, a modification for $ 45,000 has a power reserve of up to 500 kilometers. Acceleration to 100 km/h takes 5.6 seconds and top speed is 210 km/h.
A cheap version is available only in black color and other colors will have to pay 1500-2500 dollars. For auto-piloting will also require more money, and there are two versions of the system. Simplified costs 3000 dollars, and is able to accelerate and stop the Tesla Model 3, depending on the movements of other vehicles and obstructions. Version for 5000 dollars can drive up to that point and even to Park.
It is noteworthy that the cost of the car does not include taxes and fees, so buyers will still have to pay more than $ 35,000. The company says that the process of delivery of the vehicle to the customer will take no more than 14 days. In 2019 it plans to release 7,000 copies of the new products a week.
What do you think about a cheaper version of the Tesla Model 3? Your opinion write in the comments, and in our Telegram chat you can discuss this topic in more detail.
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