In Ukraine the dollar until October 7 can be lowered to the record level below 24 UAH/$ (as of October 1 24,2 UAH/$).
This forecast was voiced by OBOZREVATEL analyst Vladimir Mazurenko. According to him, the record investments in the Ukrainian debt securities including foreigners allow the national currency to continue strengthening. And the course will test the new psychological mark of 24 UAH/$.
Novolikars dollar turned around: how much more expensive currency in Ukraine
“I think that 24 UAH/$ in the coming week the market will break. The positive trend in the market, which can be seen in the results of closing of the auction and at the end of the week give quite positive signals. Also increasing the sovereign rating of Ukraine. The only negative factor has more political roots. I’m talking about the situation in the Donbass, on political stability”, – said the expert.
Recall, the passengers of the international airport “Borispol” (is near Kiev) complain of the extremely unprofitable in exchange rate on its territory. They on every dollar “acquire” 4,30 UAH.
This drew the attention of the journalist Vyacheslav Budalyk. Monday, September 30, he posted a photo course in one of the currency exchange offices at the airport.
As previously reported by OBOZREVATEL, the international rating Agency S&P Global Ratings upgraded long-term sovereign ratings of Ukraine in foreign and national currency from “B-” to “B” and national scale ratings on Ukraine – from “uaBBB” to “uaA”.
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