Trade shrank by 5.1 %
The main volumes of deliveries in the EU for the first half of the year Ukraine provided at the expense of grains and oilseeds.
For the six months of the current year the trade turnover of agricultural products between Ukraine and the European Union decreased by 5.1%, to $ 4.6 billion. It is reported by the Institute of agricultural economy (IAE).
Of the total trade turnover of agricultural products between Ukraine and EU 3.0 billion dollars accounted for export, $ 1.6 billion – import.
The largest trade partners for Ukraine in the EU are the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Italy, Germany and France. Their aggregate share in the trade turnover of agricultural products is around 75%.
The major suppliers to the EU Ukraine in the first half of 2020 provided at the expense of grain (1088 million) and oilseeds (145 million dollars) crops, oils and fats (957 million), residues and wastes of food industry (227 million dollars).
In the import to Ukraine from European countries is no clearly defined commodity structure, said at AEI. To a greater extent in the January-June 2020 Ukraine purchased dairy products (131 million dollars), alcoholic beverages (130 million dollars), tobacco products (130 million dollars), products for feeding animals (106 million dollars) and various food products , including extracts of coffee, tea, sauces ($150 million).
From the beginning of 2020, domestic exporters were fully used annual quotas for honey, barley cereals and flour, processed starch, canned tomatoes, Apple and grape juices.
Although in General for Ukraine, the indicators of foreign trade in agricultural products with the EU in the first half of 2020 deteriorated, it is not critical, according to experts of Institute, because in the III and IV quarters of likely significant shifts in its volumes, which will impact harvest in the new season.
As reported, during the first half of 2020, the Ukraine increased imports of agricultural products by 12.3 percent to $ 3.2 billion.
Another Correspondent wrote that the imports to Ukraine in June fell by almost 8%.
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