Every year in our country, killing more than 630 thousand Minks for fur coats
Photo: Alexandr Yaremchuk
The world is moving away from products made of natural fur. The European Union recently banned fur farms, and many global brands already abandoned clothes with natural fur. Because such production is not only inhumane, but also brings harm to the environment. In Ukraine, too, there are initiatives that aim to eradicate the fur industry. A petition to ban the production of fur at the end of September this year attracted a record number of votes (more than 27 thousand if necessary 25 thousand) and was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. However, so far at the legislative level this issue is not regulated, and the country continued to kill thousands of animals, to sew fur coats.
UK, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Macedonia – European countries began to abandon the production of fur, and to ban fur farms. In Ukraine, the world trends tend to come late, and if everywhere is already talking about the fact that it is cruel and harmful, and global brands refuse such clothes, in our country still continue to operate the fur farm.
Some fear that their closure will have a negative impact on the Ukrainian economy. But light industry in Ukraine is not fully developed and has a huge impact on the economy. Although, according to recent reports, the past few years shows stable growth. In 2017, the industrial growth was 6%, then sold products to more than 20 billion UAH. We are talking about clothes and shoes, these categories form the basis of the Ukrainian light industry.
Economic expert Boris Kushniruk commentary site, “Today”, said that if the fur farms will be closed, it will not affect the domestic economy and the state of light industry.
“We don’t have much fur, so we say that this will lead to significant changes in the economy. This risk is negligible.
I am more concerned that we can’t get it off the parcel, because it delivered a significant portion of light industry products at reduced duties. At the same time, we don’t have enough good conditions for the development of light industry, and we are not able to be competitors in the foreign market”, – said the expert.
After the activists began to take to the streets with protests against the fur business, the Ministry of ecology and natural resources expressed support for the limitation of the production of fur. However, on such statements did not get.
“Regarding specific activities of the Ministry of environment, this all is only of a declarative nature. On our direct questions, what did they do in this area, there was no answer. In words, they say they support us, but nothing happens,” says Anton Vakulenko, Chairman of the public organization “United planet”.
Currently, a group of deputies, together with activists and volunteers to develop a bill that would have limited the emergence of new fur farms in Ukraine and banned their activities in principle.
Thus, according to the opinion of the opponents of the farms, it is necessary to provide for a transition period. The petition stated that to enter into force a ban on the production of fur needs 5-7 years to members of the industry have mastered the activity in the Ukraine has developed a mechanism of control over observance of this prohibition.
However, expect a speedy solution of the question. The creation of the bill is a lengthy process that takes more than one day. And once the document write, he will need to pass several instances.
Earlier, the website “Today” to tell when the clothes are made in Ukraine, will begin to enter international markets.
Learn more about why Ukraine should abandon the fur business, read the material of the website “Today”: Fur farms in Ukraine: the harmful “bloody business” and what to do with it
The survey
ecology, fur coats, fur, light industry, animal rights activists
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Anastasia Ishchenko
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The volunteers told, what environmental damage is applied to a fur farm
Yesterday, 07:27
Fur farms pollute water with carcinogens and ammonia
For the production of the coats in Ukraine annually kill more than 630 thousand fur-bearing animals
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Now in Ukraine officially work 37 fur farms.
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