The US Treasury Department has included in the sanctions list, Rosneft Trading subsidiary trading company “Rosneft”.
Sanctions against subsidiaries of large Russian companies introduced in the “material assistance” to Venezuela and the state-owned company PDVSA, according to RBC with reference to the American Agency.
The U.S. imposed sanctions against “daughter” of “Rosneft”
According to the adopted measures, Rosneft Trading assets subject to U.S. jurisdiction must be blocked and Americans are prohibited to carry on with her business.
The us company has until may 2020 to complete all operations with Rosneft Trading.
In the sanctions list got Vice-President for refining, petrochemical, Commerce and logistics of Rosneft Didier Casimiro.
According to a senior representative of the US administration, the decision on sanctions was made personally by the American President Donald trump.
“This decision was endorsed by the President himself,” he said during a special telephone briefing for journalists.
As reported by OBOZREVATEL, the views of the United States, several EU countries and Russia against Venezuela was divided after the country began a political crisis.
The West supported the opposition leader and the head of Parliament of Guido Huang, who declared himself President of Venezuela is Nicolas Maduro. Russia also expressed support for the latter.
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