The international monetary Fund and Ukraine are discussing a new 18-month funding programme stand-by, which will help to cope with consequences of the pandemic COVID-19 in the economy and health care.
Program funding extended, which was agreed in December 2019, deferred, as the Ukrainian authorities have not fulfilled the conditions for receiving the funds. This was at the briefing said the speaker of the IMF Jerry rice, reports “UNIAN”.
“In December last year, Ukraine and the IMF agreed on the terms of a three-year extended Fund. Ukraine is still working to meet those conditions, when there was a pandemic. So we began discussions on a new financing agreement that will help Ukraine to deal effectively with the consequences of a pandemic, the economy and health care,” he said.
The international monetary Fund
Rice noted that at the moment in Ukraine is carried out on a virtual mission with the discussion of the parameters of the new 18-month program, which will likely reserve agreement. What sum there is a speech, the speaker said.
“Given the unprecedented uncertainty of the economic and financial forecasts, the negotiations switched to this new 18-month program. But when the economic recovery, the focus of negotiations back to a long term program extended Fund, which requires holding in Ukraine of structural reforms and which will promote its economic growth,” he added.
As OBOZREVATEL wrote earlier, the international monetary Fund has appointed a new head of mission in Ukraine.
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