An interesting experiment took place in laboratory of the German University.
Scientists from the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) has substantiated his theory that life may have begun deep in earth’s crust. In their experiments they created inanimate structures, which in a short time developed coping strategies. It is reported the book to The First Cell, published by Springer, says “hi-Tech”.
In the beginning there was the bubble: self-generating bubble similar to a bubble, enclosed in the membrane. He was surrounded by fluid in the recipe for primordial soup, with temperatures ranging from 40 to 80°C and high pressure. These are the conditions that existed about 3.8 billion years ago and still exist today far away in the earth’s crust.
Using the experimental setup chemist Christian Maier from the Center of nanointegration (CENIDE) and geologist Ulrich Schreiber, Professor UDE, simulated a water-filled cracks in the Earth and also geothermal sources. In their laboratory experiment they created and destroyed a total of 1500 generations of bubbles in the next two weeks.
The researchers found that some of the bubbles survived the change of generations, because they have implemented certain predecessors of the protein from a primordial soup in its membrane. This made them more stable, and most importantly, their membrane became more permeable.
Mayer and Schreiber believe that they, at least, pointed the way to the advanced stage of life. They modeled in time, billions of years ago, these bubbles could become stable enough to come to the surface during eruptions of geysers. Over time, these vesicles were added new functions.
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