It can be produced EN masse.
Robotic tissue, usually working in conjunction with the bulky external machines, which modulate the air pressure inside them to force the fabric to move or change its shape. Because this can limit their potential applications, a team of researchers from the Harvard Institute presented the soft robot on a textile backing, which can regulate itself, writes
Researchers from the Harvard Institute has developed a robotic fabric called Smart Thermally Actuating Textiles (STATs), which consists of hermetically sealed packages containing engineering fluid Novec 7000. When heated, the liquid evaporates, which changes the shape of the fabric. But when it cools, it condenseries back to a liquid, thereby reducing the tissue.
To get rid of an external device which adjusts the shape of the fabric, researchers have created electrically conductive silver threads in the material. They serve as the heating and sensor elements, smart materials, allowing you to change the temperature and pressure required to convert the liquid to vapor and Vice versa.
Scientists said that they could produce cloth in large quantities and with arbitrary shape that gives a wide spectrum for its application. It can be used, for example, in mechanotherapeutic wear-resistant materials which accelerate tissue repair. The researchers also propose to introduce it in pillows with a responsive response that people with disabilities could customize them for yourself.
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