Also failed attempt of blocking the Telegram.
Russian communications operators provided a report to the Ministry of communications about the results of installation and testing of equipment for the implementation of the law on ensuring the stability of the Russian segment of the Internet known as the law “on sovereign Runet”. We are talking about systems to filter traffic (DPI, Deep Packet Inspection), reports “Radio Freedom”.
A test run of this equipment was carried out in a number of regions in the Urals in August-September last year.
There were reductions in speed and signal degradation: large-scale failures, but also to block the messenger Telegram was not everywhere, writes RBC with reference to the letters to the participants of the test (“Rostelecom”, MTS, “MegaFon”, “VimpelCom”, “T2 RTK Holding”, “ER-Telecom Holding”, the “TransTeleCom” and “Ekaterinburg-2000”), the Deputy Minister for digital development Oleg Ivanov</b>.
The law allows you to isolate the Russian Internet was adopted in the spring of 2019. It entered into force on 1 November. According to the document, Russian authorities are unable to control all points of transfer of data abroad and the routing of traffic, including using special hardware from providers. In September, Roskomnadzor announced the beginning of installation of such equipment.
Problem installing DPI had five operators. The Director for work with state bodies “VimpelCom” Sergey Malyanov indicated that while testing the speed of Internet traffic for half an hour dropped in Miass, Chelyabinsk, and Tyumen and Magnitogorsk was falling signal level. Director of technical infrastructure “ER-Telecom Holding” Kirill pishalnikov reported problems in the transmission of traffic in the Tyumen and complaints about the quality of communication in Chelyabinsk. He also noted that block Telegram failed because of the fact that the messenger uses a proxy server with its own cryptographic Protocol to transfer encrypted signal.
Technical Director TTK Vadim Kondratov stated that with the installation of equipment in Chelyabinsk “was recorded incident” that led to the interruption of the provision of communication services to subscribers in the city. Andrey Ushatsky, who until January this year, he held the position of Vice-President of technology at MTS in his letter said that during installation of equipment in Magnitogorsk at the end of August 2019 interrupted commercial traffic in the network.
Three operators – MegaFon, “T2 RTK holding” and “Ekaterinburg-2000” – reported that during testing of the equipment has not fixed the problems with quality and availability of communication services to subscribers. But the representative of “VimpelCom” in his letter reported that the pilot project in the Urals does not allow to assess the real capabilities of technical tools when working with large volumes of traffic, as carried out in the region with a minimum number of subscribers, and asked to continue testing it.
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