The explosion in the cafe smashed all the Windows, the walls of the building collapsed
In Telegram channels Inside Donetsk and Shot Life released new photos of the death of the leader “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko, made immediately after the explosion.
It is reported that the explosion in the cafe Separable in the center of the occupied Donetsk smashed all the Windows, the walls of the building collapsed.
In addition, in one of the photographs depicted the body of a man in military uniform, apparently of the deceased Alexander Zakharchenko.
- Murder Zakharchenko in Donetsk as a result of explosion two persons were lost
Recall, August 31, the leader of the so-called “Donetsk national Republic” Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in the explosion in Donetsk. The explosion occurred today in the restaurant “Separable.” As you know at the moment, to the place of incident there arrived the emergency vehicles, law enforcement and paramedics.
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