Viktor Yanukovych was President of Ukraine from 25 February 2010 to 22 February 2014, after the victory of Euromaidan fled to Russia
Photo: EPA
In four years, while the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, each state enterprise is assigned a “supervisor”. Mostly it was the older son, Alexander Yanukovych, who was nicknamed “Sasha-the stomatologist”. About it in interview to the edition “GORDON” told the Director of state enterprise “Central design Institute” of the Ministry of defence of Ukraine, military Builder and engineer Colonel Oleg Primacy.
“When Yanukovych all the “looking” set. It’s the people Sasha-dentist, a lot of them were, on all state-owned enterprises were sitting. I also tried to impose a “supervisor”. For example, when Salamatin (Dmitry Salamatin, Minister of defense of Ukraine from 8 February until 24 December 2012. – “GORDON”) I’m called into the Ministry of defense and say: so and so, your company shall each month deduct a certain amount or you write the application at own will. I was skeptical-where in the state planning Institute the money? They say, “Where want, there and take,” – said Primack.
According to him, as when he serves, and under his successor in the post of Minister of defence Pavel Lebedev, the practice of appointing “looking” and monthly informal financial contributions “up” continued.
“How did the Lebedev – do not convey. Called me on the carpet: “If this year your institution will not do design work for 43 million UAH, I’ll have you removed from office”. He went on to gross violation in the management of state-owned enterprises, directly writing in the contract saying that if you don’t do orders for 43 million UAH – to dismiss. And I have at the time of design works by only 18 million UAH was the Ministry of defence generally zero order gave the Institute. I had to look for orders on the side, spinning as he could,” said Primack.
He also added that after Yanukovych’s escape people close to him of his influence in Ukraine is not lost.
“Ministers Salamatin and Lebedev lost his job and many did not – the Euromaidan has won, Yanukovych fled. Shaken if the system is “looking” for four years after the victory of Maidan? It’s like salt in a glass of water. No salt and salty water… Civil suits, which under Yanukovych, the Ministry of defense and General staff advisors were still in different structures and ministries running. Suffered from them more tank factories and the entire military-industrial complex. Yet these people remain in power, us and Russia do not, themselves eats from the inside”, – concluded Primacy.
“When Ukraine’s nuclear disarmament was all destroyed, including classified documents. But I have a few left. Just in case”. The full interview with Oleg Primacom
Viktor Yanukovych was President of Ukraine from 2010 to 2014, after fleeing from the country is Russia.
In the Obolon court of Kyiv is considering the case against Yanukovych of treason. He is charged with three articles of the Criminal code of Ukraine: part 5, article 27 (treason), part 2 of article 437 (aiding in waging aggressive war), part 3 of article 110 (aiding and abetting in the violation of the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine that resulted in the death of people or other grave consequences).
The nearest court session on the case of treason Yanukovych will take place on April 18.
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