The long-awaited event – the swimming pools of Sport Life network opened again. It’s time to start full training with all types of services of our network.
Now, everyone can re-start your Aqua-workout and reap the benefits of Sport Life. The network of fitness clubs has 115 modern and comfortable pools of different formats. All pools are equipped with modern five-stage water purification system with ionization and UV light.
Technicians carefully monitor the quality and temperature of water, as well as adhere to all the recommendations of the Ministry of health and who.
For a safe stay in the Aqua zone Sport Life adheres to the relevant rules includes processing ultraviolet irradiation, which effectively kills viruses and bacteria, as well as a restriction on the number of customers on the tracks.
Mandatory compliance with all the recommendations and concerns of the clients on the network.
From Sport Life is safer than at home!
Basani Sport Life vgcreate
Dovgotchkun of pondus – baseini merezhi Sport Life znovu vgcreate.
Nastav hour conception pawnin trenovane zi WSM kind of hotel merezhi Sport Life.
Wtaer, VSI barauch mozhut znovu conception svoï Aqua trenovane christinia periasamy in club Sport Life. Trammel fines-clubv Nalco 115 suchasnih zruchni pools RSNA format. Have vsih pools vstanovleno most n atirava cleaning system VOD s ansatsu the ultraviolet light.
Technology realno slakoth for actu the temperature of the water, and also dotronulsya vsih recommendations of the Ministry of health is the who.
Zadlya careless perebuvannya Aqua-zones, Sport Life dotimes vapona rules: Vikas obrobka ultrafoetus prominency scho effective Viva scales vruci I bacter, and also introduced obmezhennya on klikot Clit on goricah.
Obov patterns otrimannya vsih recommendations States I clst merezhi.
From Sport Life bezpecne than in the home!
The information provided in the article 10 of the Constitution of Ukraine and article 6 of the Law of Ukraine On national minorities in Ukraine
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