Poklonskaya has devoted part of his book “protection of historical reality and human rights”
Photo: EPA
The state Duma Deputy, ex-Prosecutor of the Crimea Natalia Polonskaya has published the book “devotion to the faith and the Fatherland” on “some of the brightest events”, starting in 2014. On this she said “Rain”.
According to the former attorney, the book includes her public appearances during the “Crimean spring“. Among the “achievements” of the Prosecutor’s office of the Republic of Crimea she called “the first criminal case against the activist of Euromaidan in Kiev”.
Also Poklonskaya explained in the book why as the Prosecutor recognized the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people as extremist.
The second part of the book violated the oath of Ukraine former Prosecutor dedicated to “the protection of historical reality and human rights in the activities of the representatives of culture.”
“Thanks to our common work and service to the Motherland, and thanks to the team of prosecutors of the Republic of Crimea, and then the continuation of the work already in the Duma together with the staff who left the service temporarily, have something to tell, and it is a merit of our total,” said Poklonski.
In the catalogue of the publishing house “Book world” States that the book allows you to better know and appreciate Polonskaya “as a lawyer, politician, public figure, and Orthodox man, not afraid in any condition to stand on the side of truth.”
In the abstract it is stated that Taylor “held by right the pride of place among the people’s representatives, becoming the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation”. And her fight against the release of the film Matilda “has not left indifferent neither friends nor enemies and stirred up public opinion.”
Russia occupied the Crimea after the illegal referendum on 16 March 2014. The annexation of Crimea by Russia is not recognised by Ukraine and most countries that have imposed against Russia sanctions. May 2, 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed the citizen of Ukraine, Poklonskaya Prosecutor of Crimea.
13 may 2014 the EU Poklonskaya banned entry to the territory of the EU and has frozen its assets.
18 September 2016 in Russia held elections to the state Duma of the seventh convocation. In the list of party “United Russia” Poklonskaya was fourth in the 34th regional group from the city of Sevastopol.
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognized the new composition of the state Duma illegitimate. The EU recalled that the Crimea – is the territory of Ukraine, respectively, the results of the elections on the Peninsula will not be recognized.
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