In the UK 9-year-old boy was bitten by a poisonous spider and literally burned a hole in his leg.
So, Bobby Cleary from Essex complained of irritation in the lower leg area. His mother, Emma decided that the boy was bitten by a mosquito, and put it on his skin, antiseptic. Three days later, the 34-year-old woman called from school and said that “Bobby’s limp, and his wound festers,” writes The Mirror.
The mother took the boy to a therapist, but he saw nothing dangerous and just treated the wound. Soon the place began to fester even more and there is a hole in it.
Novostizenit showed a spider with a dog’s head, frightening photos and videos
The Mirror
Thereafter, the child was rushed to the hospital. As it turned out, he was bitten by a poisonous spider. The doctors removed the poison from the leg of the child’s current health status is not specified.
The Mirror
As reported by OBOZREVATEL, earlier it became known that in the South of Odessa region settled new species of spiders – cheiracanthium, or yellowmy stabbing the spider (lat. Cheiracanthium punctorium), which can be dangerous to humans.
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