Oils for anointing are closely rooted in many religious traditions. Once an anointing was part of the ritual at the time of erecting the throne of the future ruler of the throne on the throne, and now the tradition of anointing has become more widely used in religious rites, especially in baptism in Christianity.
There is now a large selection of anointing oils, but the best anointing oil from Israel can be purchased only at the online store https://www.thejerusalemgiftshop.com/, which has been supplying and selling oils for anointing since 2004 and has proven its impeccable product quality.
But not only baptism uses oils but also in everyday life. For example, to protect yourself from any misfortune, you can pray and anoint yourself with oils from Jerusalem, which should protect you from bad influences on the clothes of the whole day.
Chrism of Confirmation in Christianity
In the Apostolic times, after the baptism was accepted, newly-educated people received the gift of the Holy Spirit through the laying on of the hands of the apostles (Acts 8, 15-17) 74. The apostolic ministry of the laying on of hands on the newly baptized in post-apostolic times is carried out by the bishops , but in their rite already includes the tradition of the anointing of the newly baptized also of St. a privilege. Tertullian testifies that after the baptism the anointing and laying of the hands of the bishop with a prayer on the head of a newly-educated person is taking place. In the apostolic passage, bishopputs hands on the newly baptized, reads a prayer, and then completes this rite by anointing an eagle and the image of a cross on the head of the newly baptized. In the Eastern Churches, with the transition to mass baptism of children and the preservation of early church discipline on the separation of the three mysteries of Christian secrecy in one go, the sacrament of anointing was started by priests through the anointing of the newly enlightened world sanctified by the bishop. According to this tradition, the orthodox priest writes to the priest immediately after the baptism to give the baptismal sacrament of anointing. Creating a sign of a cross on the forehead, nostrils, lips, ears, chests, hands, feet of a newly-educated priest, anoint him. the world and speaks with every rumble of the word: “Seal the gift of the Holy Spirit”.
Roman ritual of confectionation ( Confirmation )
Consecration of St. world In the Western Church, another discipline has been formed for the realization of anointing. The Roman ceremony, which at the beginning of the second millennium completely replaced all western church ordinances , retained the bishop’s right not only to sanctify the world, but also to fulfill all the rites of confirmation. Already at the beginning of V century. Pope Innocent I ( 402 – 417 ) in a letter to the bishop. The Gubbio deviation strictly prohibits presbyters from committing the sacrament of anointing, and pointing to the practice of the apostles ( Actions8, 14-18) allows the exercise of this rank only to bishops who have the fullness of the priesthood. In its turn, the assignment of the anointing to the bishop’s sacraments helped subsequently quickly separate this mystery from other mysteries of secrecy and create a new doctrine of confirmation in the Catholic Church. Returning from the Second Vatican Council to the ancient doctrine, and somewhat reforming the confinement order in the Catholic Church, Pope Paul VI introduced into this ordinance the formula of the Orthodox Chorus of Confirmation. The sacrament of confirmation is given through the anointing of the forehead with the laying on of the hand and through the words: “Receive the seal of the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Already in the ancient Church, during the formation of the tradition of confessions of anointing, the priests specifically established the canonical norm of the preparation of St.. peace only bishops. Rule 6 of the Carthage Cathedral, while regulating this discipline, reminds that presbyters do not ordain the sanctification of the world, because it is exclusively an episcopal priesthood. Initially, the blessing of the world was not associated with any special day, and this was not given to any particular bishop. But with the XII century. It becomes a tradition to have St. Miro was consecrated by the Ecumenical Patriarch in recognition of his authority and was distributed to other local Churches. Therefore, still part of the local Churches still continue to take the consecrated world from Constantinople, and in other autocephalous Churches the miracles are made by their first hierarchs. Peacemaking also began to be associated with a separate day, which was the Great Thursday . This day of Passionate weeks later became the day of cooking St.. peace and sanctification of him. In order to prepare the world, many other fragrant plants are taken besides the olea and cooked in churches specially adapted to it. After cooking, the world is sanctified by the bishop in a liturgical way.
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