Nayem: Ukrainian society in the first place, must recognize that racism exists in Ukraine

Photo: Rostislav Gordon /

In Ukraine, there are manifestations of racism and they are systemic in nature such opinion was expressed by MP from the Bloc Poroshenko Mustafa Nayem. Policies a relevant video published to Facebook.

He believes that the Ukrainian society in the first place, must recognize that racism exists in Ukraine.

“Recognizing this phenomenon, it is necessary to properly qualify. Openly to resist – on the streets, in public debate, in police and in the courts. For a long time instead of trying to eradicate this problem militiamen blamed xenophobia and racism to xenophobia or pranks unconscious youth,” said Nye.

The politician said that a lot of cases the police have qualified just as hooliganism or, in a few cases as heinous crimes.

“It was done so for various reasons: it is difficult to prove, it looks ugly, spoils the statistics or the country’s image. The result is judged not the racists, not those who is infected with the mythical idea of the purity of the nation, and “bullies” and “young brawlers”, which, once outside, he continued producerat xenophobia with even greater zeal, as their main crime, the system chose not to notice,” said Nye.

He believes that this is a problem not only of law enforcement or the government is a common issue of the whole society.

“We don’t like the ugly side of his reflection, preferred to turn away from unpleasant facts. We are embarrassed to admit that Ukrainian racism is another ugly side of drive our society. Or to be more precise — the part that imagines itself to Express the opinion and will of the whole country,” said Nye.

The politician expressed hope that the investigation of the pogroms in Lvov, which took place June 23, will be revealing.

“I hope that we will hear from law enforcement evasive statements about the “radical groups and sentiments”, and will receive the results of the real investigation of the activities and organization of groups calling for violence on racial or ethnic grounds,” said Nye.

On 23 June the members of neo-Nazi groups “Sober and angry youth” attacked a Roma camp on the outskirts of the city. From stab wounds killed 24-year-old man, four people, including a 10-year-old child, were injured. All of the victims are Roma from Transcarpathia.

Initially law enforcement authorities announced that they had arrested nine students of Lviv and 20-year-old organizer of the attack. They were informed about the suspicion.

Of the action of the detainees qualified according to claim 12 of part 2 of article 115 of the Criminal code of Ukraine (premeditated murder committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion). Article sanction – imprisonment for the term up to 15 years or life imprisonment.

25 June, two hackers were arrested for 60 days without the right to bail.

The attack was condemned by the UN, the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.