Ukraine irritates Russia and its satellites in the former Soviet Union, because it is one of the few countries that is capable of change and assertion of our freedom.
The majority of the other members of the former Soviet Union is actually not much different from Kazakhstan, where there is the cult of personality the undisputed leaders. This opinion was expressed by Ukrainian journalist Vitaly Portnikov in an article for “the”.
In particular, he puzzled react to the hype raised around the renaming of the capital of Kazakhstan and other geographic features in honour of retired President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Vitaly Portnikov
“Older man, who as only a crack — and in fact, with the Khan’s throne — watching your own funeral, staying alive. And finds out about the honors, which he could not afford, yet resisted the temptation to preside at your own funeral: the honorary title, monument, renamed capital Boulevard in Karaganda was renamed the Avenue of Nursultan Nazarbayev, Independence Avenue in Ust-Kamenogorsk will be named after Nazarbayev, and… in Aktau And Aktau in prospect Nazarbayev renamed the prospect of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan! In order to satisfy the curiosity of an elderly man, Kazakhstan is turning into the Soviet Union of the Brezhnev era”, he writes.
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However, Portnikov said that this trend is observed not only in Kazakhstan. In fact, most of the inhabitants of the post-Soviet world lives in Kazakh.
“Did the Russians, who for 19 years can not get rid of Putin and just wondering what the option of extending your pointless Board will choose a Governor, not living in Kazakh? Unless the Belarusians, who as elected 25 years antikorruptsionera President Lukashenko — and happy, not living in Kazakh? Do Turkmens, who have fathers of the nation replaced just naturally don’t live in the Nursultan? Did the Azerbaijanis who survived the creation of the dynasty and the appointment of the second wife of Aliyev, first Vice-President of the country, do not live in the Nursultan? Did the Tajiks did not agree with what they are already 25 years of rule by the winner in the civil war, to think about the transfer of power to his son? Except in Uzbekistan, the government could be replaced by another, like after the funeral? Isn’t the President?” — asks the rhetorical questions of the journalist.
Nursultan Nazarbayev
The exception, he says, are only Ukraine, capable for democratic elections and uprisings, Moldova, with its clan-based struggle, Georgia and Armenia with their revolutions and coups and Kyrgyzstan, with its rebellions. In other post-Soviet countries the government never changes. In the end, Portnikov writes, there are four small countries, two of which also lost part of the already not very large, and one large.
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“Now it is clear why Ukraine is such a wild hatred of the rulers of the “big Nursultan,” why are they so eager to get its collapse, to subdue, to humiliate, to cheat? Yes, because in post-Soviet Ukraine — the only hope that not everything in our world will be called the head of that life, where madness is the norm, still exists”, — concluded the journalist.
As reported by OBOZREVATEL:
The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev announced about the resignation. The corresponding statement he made during his address to the nation live on national television on Tuesday, March 19.
Nazarbayev added that he would remain Chairman of the security Council, the head of the party “Nur Otan”, member of the constitutional Council and reminded that the laws he is given the status of the First President – Elbasy, Leader of Nation.
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev March 20, took the oath to people of Kazakhstan and assumed the position of President of the Republic. At the same time, Tokayev has proposed to rename the capital of Kazakhstan Astana to Nursultan.
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