Prezydentska company pdmode to completion, and zhodnogo practical poilu villager-vlasniku the earth is not this. Factual prognozowania 15-20 million villagers, Yak in Ukraine so I ti, hto behind a cordon on zarobek.
7 million vlasniku earth that clev h Rodin (time mayzhe 15-20 million) balisilica without an uwagi. Without uwagi h sinatti, blacastan, health, society and life on Seli.
Nhto not Hoca dopomogty vinciti future villager. Not got dumok I propositions? Chi Yak versino kimos always all there “upstairs”?
Such a situation is amazing, after h point Zora elektoralna matepuana – italv SIL we spremati for Ob dnazyme principles, yakimi yea: semelin vancini, accommodation in sliski territor similar pobut I as a consequence Shoe problems.
Novostideputat delmontes. Nova is Promyslova
Versene problems of the peasant spited s problem versenne the challenge vbnewline I selskogo development of gospodarstwa – agrarno Galus. I for tsogo not need implementacja in Ukraine franzosich, talisic Chi amerikansk model vanasin land – we own potrebna Ukrainian model, opcrates the yakoy blame Nova is agricultural.
Agrarian galusi Bula , a basic to salesasia bespilotnyye, and mean powers for the head of I suspilstva. Bezolovni ) periasamy , shvydka oborotni finansovih resursiv, a high level of efficiency of users in the human resources (scho in umovah zrostannya bazroba pgvisu riven synacast of the population), social znachimosti, neznatna naukot (and, respectively, consumption in small investicij), direct vpliv on zrostannya GDP, mozliwosci I neophane sovereign vpliva on galusi through penny-Credito politiku TA ekonomka-organsation come in.
Novosysoevka earth. To save Ukraine from Lumina
Gramotne vikoristannya zaznacheny NSA of osoblivosti development of agrarno Galus daє mozliwosci to understand way materialsas de Shvydko vdvoine the development of selskogo of gospodarstva, zabezpechiti push to economcial zrostannya the country in total from nanorods Termini.
Scho stria rozvytok?
You can perebiranie Dovgy: vastly nazemnyh investici, tupe cervetto in urad, Pagani President, agresori TA INSHI negarande. Ale ncadi not dtia from head – perevernuto svidomosti in farm land vanasin. The villagers, that as Orangevale the land from the feudal Lord (pan) Chi problaly , for the feudal lords, otrimali earth, steel, savati , in aristophane – stvoritsi Novo formation feodals. Yaki vzhe gotov, skupiti the land from the villagers. Nashi, presure tsogo would not shalili.
Novostibusiness resursu ukrainskomu people
And scho Dali after buying? History pdcas, what concentration of the earth in the hands proizvodila to land buntu, revolutions I vizvolny win – suti to biti for IU. A TSE – znovu nazionalita, Pushpa absinth (fishermen). Bright butts vizvolny win Buli wine for casw Bohdan Khmelnytsky Nestor Makhno I. the same Zhovtnevy coup vdbase on girl “povernennya of the earth”. Then navso, walks on coke?
Demouche today Kristalina form (orenda I emptives) land vanasin, Brizuela to bizumungu Ekonomtsev, the social patinage conflct scho . latetime (prikovanie), the prot zarrouati ModelSim razvitka great social problems.
Pryamimi problemim patanam yea formuvannya income from from the earth . vlasnika-villager. Navti, porwnanie-zbrisana fee for koristuvacha the earth. Vdovin income, yaky Mauger Buti of trimani from separatist obrobku of the earth . vlasnikom. And most importantly, tsogo income not to dostatno, dwellers provozovat yourself I family Yu – neophane normal opracowana robot. Taco of work has not, Bo got tvarynnytstvo I pererobki, Yak not feodali-koristuvach , ” hochut not mozhut organsaving s the number of Ob ctive-sub ctuna reasons.
Novostirussian promislovist. Nova is Promyslova
Sbst villagers to put pid sumnu scho land nadbannya Ukrayinsky people. GOSTR Socal problems Viasat villager, prodavati cheap land for timchasovogo h of scritta. Power vtrace sub CTA nadbannya earth-ukraïntsiv – power vtrace yourself vystavlyayuschie on sales.
As a consequence, aslesen policy s Rozum and without Demba vimagati rinku Zemli s Mehta of zarobit sobi pennies Chi just pokrichat chants about lberals Economou. And together with them vimagati rinku Zemli to pochnut I “VLC” economte, that wrath economic stribok in the country, if the land prodadut I together with Tsim potekut investitsiï, Zytel sauvageot, on Seli scho not got anyone pracowali I mean potreben market of the earth.
There is a will monopulsante right vlasnosti on the ground, Kristalina diagram the formation of land vanasin I as a consequence pregnene usunennya pereshkod in OOB Ukrayinsky peasant, peretvorivsya Yogo on the lumpen – axis scho stria rozvytok agrarno Galus.
Chi prosthe pereglyanulis stavlennia to the peasants that suchasnih drain gospodarowania “on earth” I zaproponowali realsuite Nadine scheme of land vanasin, in yakih VVC, Vovk I. seals – CL, sit I graylu.
Novotec practical reformulate semelin vancini in Ukraine. Nova is agricultural
Villager-vlasnik of the earth, so vzhe steel, pevny Mr what usablenet, scho land nalezyty ukrainskomu people. Vlasnik airport in the separatist – obrobka – TSE is not man s sly on poli. Suchen vlasniki Zemli – TSE vlasnici closplint – pervanovo commodity virobnictva. Take virobnictvo Mauger koristus WSM nadbannya mechanic I technologies vsogo civilizovannogo world in roslinnych (obrobku of the earth).
The villagers , ” Zemli vlasnikom guilty Buti, first cargo, vlasnikom agricultural virobnictva and potim for bazhannyam I sprumont pracaviki on svoa virobnictva. TSE necessary to inform the villager. For ntsatsi Selyanina-vlasnika earth Mauger Buti rozpoczeta national land reform, Yak Smyth the form of land vanasin s christovale on samostanu.
People’s land reform bude poczatkowym crock realset Novo agrarno policy.
Peasants-the earth vlasnici mozhut obsolete the land separatist, stauche, bezposrednio vlasnicima agrarnih pdprimstvo new type tovaristv (Ob dnan) vlasnikiv Zemli, odnosno Chi smanik tovarovyrobnytstva.
National land reform the development of mortgage pdirent for tainitzky pdprimstvo, pdprimstvo s pererobki slschools products NSIH virobnictva. Vlasnicima such pdprimstvo Pavin Buti peasants.
Power does not smoge silicates osterone CIR Valevich socalo-economic process. Vaughn is guilty of retrobyte th sapovadia derzhavni mehandi realset zapit I need suspilstva. Cheka] od powers strategicznych steps, produmanny di, spamovyh skin for the benefit of the citizen.
Novostepanivka nebezpeka for Ukraine. Vtrata earth
It’s simple. Poinformowali peasant, he became dwellers in the “position” is becoming Golovnin in land vanishing, and throwing off W tsogo almpu the tenant-Lord, I vzhe villager versova who minati to yourself paradnyi – its kolesnogo the tenant of another Chi Chi kolesnogo whether someone hogo. Nimati pjatnica – TSE in Nigeria case, the best Bo – TSE producing direct sovereign kredituvannya for virobnicho diyalnosti tovaristva vlasnikiv Zemli Yak pervanovo of tovarovyrobnytstva. Peasants-vlasnici of the earth through tovaristva vlasniku of the earth become vlasnicima vroiau I raspodeliti prybutok separatist.
And for organzaband power mehanni, power kredituvannya tovaristv – vzagali not power. Credit is the I there is the toll-sama for versene such samdani.
In resultat vprovadzhennya Narodno zemelno reform that realset Novo agrarno policy mi atrimana reformula semelin vancini scho zabezpechiti maksimalno strukturno, techno, technologiczno, Cologne socalo-Economou efektivnosti vikoristannya national land resursiv. Buda zabezpecene new construction tainitzky complex zi zbilshennya pagolu I tvarin. For rozrahunkiv, mozliwe zbilshennya pagolu I Veliko rogato hudoba 5-6 razv – up to 15-20 million Golf, I pagolu pigs 3-4 Razi – to 20-24 million Golf.
The villagers become vlasnicima agrarnih virobnictva, viznachayut separatist sviy riven payment, storevatnet robots msca separatist separatist virtualisatie problems their communities – Chi TSE sprain plugina about the peasants?
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Other blogs of the author
- Demonopolize delmontes. Nova Promyslova політика44
- Sagan earth. To save Ukraine from люмпенізму65
- Povernennya resursu ukrainskomu народу78
All blogs of the author
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