Voting lasted for one month from 18 Feb to 18 March

photo from open sources

When voting on the website of the Kyiv city state administration (KCSA), residents of Kiev have refused to rename the area of Leo Tolstoy.

As noted on the website, 1813 person voted against, 1279 – for renaming.

To rename a project was submitted 134 proposals. Although the majority of the citizens opposed this renaming, but also there were proposals to rename the area of Leo Tolstoy in honor of Roman Shukhevych, writer Yevhen Chykalenko or return the historical name – Karavaevskaya.

Voting lasted for one month from 18 Feb to 18 March.


  • In Kiev will be a “giant” Park

Earlier, the Kyiv city Council decided to rename the Park “Friendship of peoples” in “Murom”, thus returning the area to its historical name.