Photo: screenshot Gosgeonedra published in the ProZorro.Sales of the first 10 lots for open auctions, said Kirilyuk
Monthly will exhibit from five to ten lots with permits on mining, said the head of Gosgeonedr Oleg Kyrylyuk.
The state service of Geology and subsoil of Ukraine (Gosgeonedra) published in the ProZorro.Sales of the first 10 lots to be offered for public auction. This was at a briefing in Kyiv on Thursday, 6 December, said the acting President Gosgeonedr Oleg Kyrylyuk.
All permissions relate to oil and gas sites.
“We plan to put 5 to 10 lots every month, and this will involve not only oil and gas areas, and will have different fields with different minerals. In 2019 we plan to hold more than 10 auctions online,” said kiriluk.
The Minister added that under the terms of the pilot project, the application form for participation in the auction, potential buyers may be filed within 90 calendar days . Participation in auctions will be able to take companies with registration in Ukraine.
The winning bidder will have the obligation to implement the mandatory minimum list of works on mining. In case of violation of obligations license taken away.
“Run, transparent auctions for the sale of permits for subsoil use is significant progress for the reform of public sales” – in turn, said the first Deputy Minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine Maksim Nefedov.
Recall, October 25 was held the first two years of the auction for the sale of special permits for subsoil use.
The tenders were issued Chernitskaya (Stryi district, Lviv region) and Lipovetsky (Yavoriv district, Lviv region) area oil and gas fields. According to the results of the auction of the special permission to Lipovetsky area for 15.1 million UAH received public joint stock company ukrgasvydobuvannya. In the course of trading the price of this plot grew more than four times (430% of the starting price was UAH 3.5 million). The chernitskaya, the area became, OOO Stroyneftegaz for 2.04 million.
Earlier it was reported that Gosgeonedra sell permits for extraction of minerals on nearly 170 stations.
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