Gang rape police in Russia and all subsequent events associated with it, were laid out in chronological order.
Material published journalists Telegram-channel Mash. They described the whole story from the rape of the 23-year-old poznavatelnoe to the first punishment for the offenders.
So, characters:
Matveev Edward — Lieutenant Colonel, chief of OMVD Russia’s Ufa region, 51;
Novostiukraine of poznavatelnoe in Ufa: in the case took an unexpected turn
Yaremchuk, Paul major, head of division for migration OMVD Russia’s Ufa region, 34;
Galiev Salavat — Lieutenant Colonel, chief of OMVD Russia in the Karmaskalinsky district, 50 years;
Gulnaz Fadlallah — poznavatelnoe OMVD Russia’s Ufa region, 23.
The victim was a 23-year-old Gulnaz
Next, the timeline is unchanged:
“On October 29, the end of the day
Edward, Paul and Salavat cabal staged right in the police station. Was a good reason — raising Edward. Secretary of the interdepartmental public security Council called under the wing, and satisfied the Colonel was going to retire after a Day of police.
The clearing was covered by a Junior in rank and age, Yaremchuk. In an attempt to please the boss Paul around 7pm typed counterpart, 23-year-old poznavatelno Gulnaz.
Gulnaz came from another celebration of life and she was drunk. Matveeva for some reason this really upset — he hit the girl. After that the police began to rape Gulnaz — she resisted, but to no avail.
On the day of the examination, the examination confirmed the fact of rape — Gulnaz typical breaks and bruises.
29 Oct, 21:00
At nine-thirty she was already house — it showed the billing phone. Driver Matveeva said that at this time he carried the head home. But the court continued the revelry — was caught on camera local cafe “Rest.”
October 30, morning
Gulnaz wrote a statement to the police. The girl said that got her drunk and raped until five in the morning — this version of the investigators have denied. But examination showed that the blood of all four was alcohol.
The victim was a 23-year-old Gulnaz
31 Oct
In OMVD of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case — so I searched jobs and apartments rapists. The former police officers were detained.
Suspect Eduard Matveev
1 Nov
With the formulation “for Commission of misconduct discrediting the honor and dignity” of the bodies dismissed all three — the court did not.
2 Nov
Rapists have been arrested. At a closed meeting of three ex-chiefs of police of Ufa was taken into custody until December 31. In jail the prisoner was forbidden to interfere with other prisoners, and led by one with heavy security.
To the father Gulnaz Irek Sagitova doctors have come — he is in preinfarction condition. The Deputy chief of regional management of Regardie sent to be examined by a cardiologist and psychologist.
On the same day, the pain of the heart complained, the accused Eduard Matveev. The doctor on duty of the detention center have not found it health problems.
Gulnaz’s father
7 Nov
They tested the leadership of tyrants. Bribes checked the Deputy head of the migration of Andrew Demerchyan — the former head of the rapist. According to preliminary information, he earned about 20 million rubles on the sale of residence permits.
The Suspect Salavat Galiev
9 Nov
Paul Yaremchuk asked him to bring him in jail a pricey sport suit from Balenciaga.
15 Nov
It turned out that the head rapist Andrew Demerchyan is also dishonest — he helped illegally with citizenship gardeners ex-Minister of internal Affairs of Bashkiria. The case began testing.
Andrew Demerchyan
23 Nov
Yaremchuk took the suit Balenciaga — bodies do not like media hype.
30 Nov
DNA examination proved that all three of the Ufa police involved in the rape. Also set the time of the crime — at about 19:00 to 21:00.
Rapists now face imprisonment up to 10 years for rape under section 131 and violent acts 132 of the criminal code. The investigation is ongoing.”
As OBOZREVATEL wrote in the end of October it became known that, in Ufa, three police officers raped a colleague in the workplace in the building of the site. As it turned out, one of the officers (the senior officer) ordered to come into the office the girl with the investigator. Drinking alcoholic beverages, co-workers all night mocked his victim.
At the same colleagues of chiefs of police assured that there was no rape and the girl alleged she could agree to engage in a sexual act with three men.
Read all “news” on OBOZREVATEL.
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